Take care of yourself and relatives!Farabi University

Take care of yourself and relatives!

30 january, 2024

On January 30, 2024, students of the Faculty of Economics of the Higher School of Economics and Business took part in a preventive lecture and received answers to their questions. The lecture on prevention was given by Elena Nikolaevna Lukyanchikova, the social worker at «Smart Health University City». The lecture was full of useful information; current main issues related to SDGs 3 and 4 were discussed. In addition, two issues were considered: 1) related to the prevention of measles and 2) self-defense against tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious disease. Various organs are affected (lungs, kidneys, intestines, bones and joints, meninges).

The conditions under which one can become infected with these infectious diseases, as well as the symptoms, how to recognize and identify the diseases, and what preventive measures can be taken, were mentioned.

Take care of yourself and your relatives!