9 february, 2024


 February 9, 2024

 February 9, 2024. The FARABY CUP among students in TOGYZKUMALAK, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

 The KazNU Chess Club hosted competitions among students in TOGYZKUMALAK, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

 Winners among women:

 1st place – Saidulla Zuhra – a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

 2nd place – Kairat Raikhan – a 1st year student at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

 3rd place – Berden Laylim – a 1st year student at the Higher School of Economics and Business

 Winners among men:

 1st place – Seilkhan Nurzhigit - HSEiB 1st year.

 2nd place – Kalybek Baglan – a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Information Technologies

 3rd place – Shyryntai Nurmukhammed – a 1st year student at the Higher School of Economics and Business

 A total of 45 students have participated in competitions.

 Sports Club

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