18 february, 2024


 February 18, 2024

 February 18, 2024. FUTSAL. Competitions among dormitories.

 Futsal competitions among students living in dormitories took place in the KazNU sports hall. 13 teams – more than 150 people – took part in competitions.

 According to the results of the games, the team from Dormitory No. 1 took first place.

 The places were distributed as follows:

 1st place – Dormitory No. 1

 2nd place – Dormitory No. 7

 3rd place – Dormitory No. 8

 4th place – Dormitory No. 13

 5th place – Dormitory No. 4

 6th place – Dormitory No. 10

 7th place – Dormitory No. 17

 8th place – Dormitory No. 6

 9th place – Dormitory No. 5

 10th place – Dormitory No. 18

 11th place – Dormitory No. 16

 12th place – Dormitory No. 15

 13th place – Dormitory No. 9.

 The Sports Club congratulates the winners!

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