15 february, 2024


 February 15, 2024

 From February 14 to February 15, 2024. FARABI CUP dedicated to the 90th anniversary of al-Farabi Kazakh National University among students in BASKETBALL.

 BASKETBALL competitions among students dedicated to the 90th anniversary of al-Farabi Kazakh National University were held in Hall No. 1.

 Based on the results of the games, the places were distributed as follows:

 1st place – Faculty of Information Technologies

2nd place – Faculty of Physics and Technology

 3rd place – Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences

 4th place – Faculty of Medicine and Health Care

 5th place – Higher School of Economics and Business

 6th place – Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

 7th place – Faculty of Law

 8th place – Faculty of Journalism

 9th place – Faculty of History

 10th place – Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science

 The Sports Club congratulates!

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