"Women in the workplace"

26 february, 2024

On February 26, 2024,  S.S. Sayahmet, the  Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature held  an event on the topic "Women in the workplace" within the framework of SDG 5 Gender Equality. The  students of the 1st year of "Chemistry" major took part in the event. They  prepared reports about successful women of Kazakhstan. The students  discussed problems of modern women's employment. Women more often than men do not have a job, and the problem of unemployment is especially relevant for young women. Women are still predominant in unpaid work and care services, where their working hours, taking into account paid and unpaid work, are often longer than men's. Achieving gender equality requires closing this gap, including unpaid and undervalued female labor, by redistributing caregiving responsibilities and equal remuneration for work of equal value. The students also divided into groups and represented different areas in which a modern woman could develop. The moderator of the event,  Sayahmet S.S. familiarized the students with the program document "SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals" and explained how important it is to implement them in human life. Achieving them requires a lot of effort and time, but one should start with oneself.       

Organizer: Sayahmet S.S. 


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