President of SNPC Corporation Bian Dizhi: KazNU is very popular in China

11 march, 2024

Bian Dizhi, President of CNPC Corporation for Central Asia and Russia, met with the management and students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and gave a leadership lecture on "Achievements of China-Kazakhstan relations and CNPC oil and gas activities in Kazakhstan". The guest of honor from the People's Republic of China was welcomed and introduced to the audience by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev.

Dr. Bian Dizhi, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, is currently the President of CNPC for Central Asia and Russia. With 27 years of experience in international oil and gas cooperation, he has served at various times as Executive Director and Deputy General Director of CNPC-Aktobemunaigas JSC, Director of CNPC's Overseas Research Center, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CNPC-Aktobemunaigas JSC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mangistaumunaigas JSC, and others. Bian Dyzhy is also an expert and scholar with deep knowledge. "Professor Bian Dyzhy has been awarded a jubilee medal in honor of the 70th anniversary of the formation of the PRC, the Kazakh Order "Dostyk" II degree, the medal "120th anniversary of Kazakhstan Oil" and other awards," the rector emphasized. - The contribution of Prof. Bian Dizhi to the development of Kazakhstan-China relations is very great. We welcome our guest in the walls of the University". The head of the university awarded Mr. Bian Dyzhy the title of honorary professor of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.
The President of CNPC Corporation for Central Asia and Russia in his response thanked for this honor. In his speech, he spoke about the achievements of oil and gas cooperation between China and Kazakhstan.
"I am very happy that today I was awarded the title of "Honorary Professor of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi". This is a great honor for me and will be another reason to further actively develop China-Kazakhstan oil and gas cooperation. This title is a recognition of good achievements in China-Kazakhstan oil and gas cooperation. And now I would like to share with you the achievements in oil and gas cooperation. As one of the first Chinese oil and gas specialists who came to Kazakhstan in 1997, I started to participate in the management of the very first joint oil and gas cooperation project. And I have been inseparable from Kazakhstan ever since. Over the past 27 years I have been fortunate to visit Al-Farabi KazNU many times, to get to know and sincerely love the leading higher education institution of Kazakhstan with a rich cultural heritage, named in honor of the great scientist and thinker of the East. This year the university celebrates its 90th anniversary. Over the years, the University has graduated thousands of scientists and outstanding figures who make a great intellectual contribution to public administration, development of science, culture and formation of modern business and economy of Kazakhstan", - Mr. Bian Dyzhy made a short excursion before the lecture.
Professor Bian Dyzhy in his report told about the activities of CNPC company, which is engaged in the exploration of deposits, sale of oil and oil products and supply of raw materials to oil refineries in Kazakhstan, as well as fully, meaningfully disclosed the topic of the current state and prospects of China-Kazakhstan relations in the oil and gas industry.
"Kazakh National University not only enjoys a good reputation in Central Asia and Russia, but also enjoys great popularity in China. With the strong support of Rector Zhanseit Tuimebayev in recent years established a relationship of cooperation with 43 universities in China, such as Peking University, Shanghai University of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University, China Petroleum University and others. On the base of KazNU the branch of Chinese Northwest Polytechnic University started its work, contributing to the cultural exchange between the two countries. Kazakhstan and China are connected by common roots, and the countries are also very similar in cultural relations. For more than 30 years, our countries have officially established diplomatic relations. Throughout these years, China and Kazakhstan have maintained a friendly relationship of mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual benefit and win-win. The two sides deeply respect each other's sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, development path and core interests. The relations between the two countries have stood the test of time and the rapidly changing international situation. Mutual trust in security policy has reached unprecedented heights. The concept of eternal peace and friendship passed down from generation to generation has become deeply rooted in people's hearts. Traditional friendship has been increasingly strengthened and strategic partnership projects have been continuously implemented, becoming a model of good-neighborly friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation between our two countries. The current relationship between China and Kazakhstan has developed into an eternal strategic partnership.

When the heads of state of China and Kazakhstan exchanged congratulatory telegrams on January 3, 2022, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, President Xi Jinping said that in the 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, relations between China and Kazakhstan have been maintained at a high level, political mutual trust has been constantly deepened, and exchanges at all levels have become closer and closer. Cooperation in the joint development of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative has brought fruitful results, an ingenious benefit to the peoples of the two countries. And the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev in turn emphasized that for 30 years after the establishment of diplomatic relations, Kazakhstan and China have shown an example of development in interstate relations in the international community, and have become an important factor of stability and prosperity in Eurasia. Both sides have fully resolved the outstanding border issues and turned the common border into a bridge of friendship between Kazakhstan and China.
When Kazakh President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev traveled to China on October 17, 2023 to attend the Second International Forum on One Belt, One Road Cooperation, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that stable, dynamic Sino-Kazakh relations can strengthen the trust between the two countries, and decisively contribute to the maintenance of peace and stability. No matter how the international situation changes, China and Kazakhstan will adhere to their original aspirations and help each other, and pass on the concept of good-neighborliness and friendship from generation to generation. We will constantly promote the development of an eternal, comprehensive and stable strategic partnership between the two countries.
China National Petroleum Corporation CNPC is a comprehensive international energy company. It is one of the top three largest oil companies in the world and ranks 5th among the world's 500 largest oil companies according to Pochin magazine. At present, the oil and gas activities of CNPC Corporation are carried out in 38 countries in the following areas: hydrocarbon exploration and development, oil and gas refining, petrochemicals, petroleum products sales and transportation, engineering, engineering and construction services, etc. CNPC is a comprehensive international energy company. CNPC promotes the strengthening of the commonwealth between China and Kazakhstan, has achieved rapid development after 20 years of hard work. In the fields of engineering construction technology, materials and equipment, and petroleum product sales, CNPC, together with other partners, has implemented 7 oil and gas production projects, 2 oil pipelines, 2 gas pipelines in Kazakhstan. The joint ventures have created jobs for 25 thousand people in Kazakhstan. Of which 95% are local employees. In the field of oil and gas exploration and development, CNPC has integrated advanced technologies and achieved a series of achievements that have attracted the attention of the world. In the Caspian Basin, the world's largest oil field of independent Kazakhstan has been successfully discovered. And a number of new oil and gas deposits have been discovered in the South Turghai Basin. In production development, the company has overcome the world-class problem. On the development of oil field of complex carbonate rocks in Kenkiyak field.

"This year the university celebrates its 90th anniversary. Over the years, the University has graduated thousands of scientists and outstanding figures who make a great intellectual contribution to public administration, development of science, culture and formation of modern business and economy of Kazakhstan", - Mr. Bian Dyzhy made a small excursion before the lecture.

I personally took part in the above-mentioned two projects and I can say that it was a great event and pride of my career. The Kashagan project in the Caspian Sea, developed together with our partners already has production I also personally participated with an annual capacity of 18 million tons. I was also personally involved in the appraisal process for the share purchase, in negotiations for the capital submission for the Kashagan project. In the field of oil and gas, the Kazakhstan-China pipeline with an annual capacity of 20 million tons is Kazakhstan's largest pipeline directly connected to the international market, which has contributed to the diversification of Kazakhstan's energy exports. The Central Asia-China gas pipeline with a total annual capacity of 55 billion m/3 originates from the Turkmen-Uzbek border in the west and reaches China via Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Its total length is 1,833 km. The Bazoy-Beyneu-Shymkent gas pipeline has a total length of 1454 km and annual throughput capacity of 15 billion m/3. In a word, the energy artery brings economic benefits and social development to the people of the countries along the route, including the people of Kazakhstan, and also warms 1.4 billion people in China, which deepens the China-Kazakhstan cooperation and becomes a new Silk Road. In the field of education, as well as vocational training and cultural exchange, enterprises involving CNPC have supported hundreds of Kazakhstani students to pursue higher education in China and other countries. The scholarship program established in Kazakhstan annually selects outstanding local young students to study at renowned universities in China, Kazakhstan and other countries. Up to 2023, CNPC has invested about 45 billion dollars in Kazakhstan and invested 410 million dollars in social security, another 50 billion dollars the company has paid in taxes", - summarized the professor his leadership lecture.