SDG 3. Educational hour on the theme "International AIDS Day"

An educational hour in an open form was held at the Department of Thermal and Technical Physics of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The educational hour was organized by 2nd year students of the specialty Standardization and certification (CИC-225).
Responsible curator: Mukamedenkyzy Venera
Date of the event: 23/02/2024
The purpose of the educational hour is to introduce students to the guests:
Information about AIDS (AIDS) that you did not know about, and:
1. Where does AIDS come from?
2. When did this infection start being transmitted to humans?
3. Disguise
4. stars suffering from AIDS
5. Immunity
6. The story of Jeffrey Bowers
7. The search for a cure
was to consider solutions.
At an open lesson in the style of "news", As a guest the General curator of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics Zulbukharova Elmira Mukanovna was present!
The topic of treatment and ways of treating people infected with AIDS is fully explained!
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, undergraduates of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics: Abubakirova Akzere Zhandosovna and Kusbergenova Nargiz Nurlankyzy talked in detail and generically about AIDS in the presentation!
Undergraduates, asking questions, bring their thoughts to the attention of students, telling the story and meaning!
2nd year students Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics and Technology of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics of the specialty “Standardization and certification” was conducted open lesson: “December 1 - International AIDS Day”!
Responsible curator: Mukamedenkyzy Venera
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