Sustainable development: stimulating green economic growth
In the framework of celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi and the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDG 4, SDG 7, SDG 9, SDG 12, SDG 17), as well as the implementation of the university-wide action "17 Moments of Spring" on 17 topics of SDG "Save Energy" in the Higher School of Economics and Business at the Department of "Economics" 13.03.2024 was held Round table meeting on "Sustainable development: stimulating green economic growth. The conference was held in a hybrid format, attended by master's students of the 1st year of the Russian, Kazakh and English departments, specialty "Economics" and "Digital Economy", as well as online connected invited speakers-masters from China.
During the conference were heard the reports of speakers: 1) Bing Ma - Qingdao University, 1st year master student, Qingdao, China, topic: "The importance of green economy to modern society" (in English); 2) Chunjiao Ma - Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, 1st year master student, Shanghai, China, topic: "How should countries develop green economy" (in English); 3) Aitnazarov Temur - Farabi University, 1st year master student, Almaty, Kazakhstan, topic: "Green" modification in the context of sustainable economic development; 4) Jiang Hao - Farabi University, Master's student of the 1st year, Almaty, Kazakhstan, topic: Green energy and sustainable development: the way to a clean future; 5) Isakov Azim - Farabi University, 1st year master student, Almaty, Kazakhstan, topic: Waste management in Kazakhstan as part of responsible consumption and production.
The organizers of Round table meeting are: Daulieva G.R., Andabaeva G.K., Kondybaeva S.K., Ilyashova G.K.