Goal 16 of the SDG - peace, justice and strong institutions - was discussed

29 march, 2024

On the 29th of March 2024, an engaging and productive curator hour took place with the students of the 406 group, under the guidance of their group curator, Didar Tilegenova. The topic of the session was "Peace, Justice, and Effective Institutions", which sparked lively interest among all attendees.

Activists from the group who showed interest in discussing current social issues attended the session. Notably, active participation was observed from students such as Daniella Orlova, Bakhtishat Kultush, and Arailym Alaidarova. Right from the start, the students actively engaged in the discussion with full enthusiasm, showing a keen interest in sharing their views and opinions. Various aspects of the topic were touched upon during the discussion, ranging from the role of global institutions in ensuring peace and justice to the consideration of specific examples and challenges facing the modern world.

Particularly noteworthy was the active participation of students in debates organized during the session. Not only did students present their arguments, but they also listened to the viewpoints of their peers, seeking to find compromises and reach common solutions.

Undoubtedly, this session proved to be a fruitful and inspiring experience for all participants. New ideas were brought forth during discussions, and important questions were raised, which could serve as a basis for further research and action. The level of energy and engagement among students was high, indicating their interest in discussing societal issues and their commitment to taking an active civic stance.

The conclusion of the curator hour, under the guidance of Didar Tilegenova, left vivid impressions and important lessons for all participants, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and collaboration in finding solutions to complex societal problems.