Outstanding graduates of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences

3 april, 2024

Our graduates work in academic, research organizations, higher educational institutions, government bodies at various levels, international, regional and regional organizations for nature protection and environmental management, including the Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee for the Tourism Industry of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its divisions in the field, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Emergency Situations, government apparatus, etc.


Full name

Brief information




Medeu Akhmetkal

Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Board of JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Security"


Kuanyshbaev Seitbek

Doctor of Geographical Sciences,  Professor


Rector of Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarina


Temerbaev Ilyas

Master of Science Director of the Design Institute




Akiyanova Farida

Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor



Baymyrzaev Kuat

Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor

Rector of Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov



Alimkulov Sayat

Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Security"


Moldakhmetov Marat

Director of the Agrobiological Research Center


Madibekov Azamat

Head of the Laboratory of Hydrochemistry and Environmental Toxicology, JSC Institute of Geography and Water Security


Kaimoldiev Aza

Doctoral student at the University of Bristol, Great Britain (Doctor of Education in Learning, Leadership and Policy, University of Bristol, Great Britain);

Author of 6 scientific articles (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rC_rm3QAAAAJ&hl=ru&oi=ao);

Researcher of the scientific project IRN AR13067766 “Transformation of policy in the field of educational migration: development of strategies for the use of the intellectual potential of Kazakhstanis abroad”, 2022-2024;

2-time scholarship holder of the “Bolashak” program (years of award: master’s degree - 2014; doctoral study - 2023).

Heads of government agencies, etc.


Danara Alimbayeva

General Director of RSE "Kazhydromet",

Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations


Sairov Serik

First Deputy General Director of RSE "Kazhydromet"


Zhakanbaev Arsen

Chairman of the Water Management Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Madenova Fariza

Chief expert of the Department for Regulation of the Use of Water Resources of the Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Yerlan Zhumabaev

Head of the Department of State Accounting and Cadastre of Water Resources of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Public figures


Olzhas Suleimenov

Kazakh poet, public figure, linguist, politician, leader of the Nevada-Semey movement against the use of nuclear weapons



Abzhanov Askhat

General Director of ZHANA URPAK - Republican School of Leadership



Sadybekova Botagoz

Eco - activist, eco-ethno-designer, Director of Ecology consulting


Baimukanova Assel

Researcher at the Institute of Hydrobiology and Ecology, Ph.D , winner of “100 new faces of Kazakhstan”, Eco-activist