Nursulu Zhamalbekovna Shaimerdenova

4 april, 2024

Nursulu Zhamalbekovna Shaimerdenova – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Turkology and Altaic Studies, member of the Kazakhstan Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (KazTRLL).

Nursulu Zhamalbekovna Shaimerdenova 200 publications. She has taught 9 doctors, 27 candidates of philological sciences, more than 10 undergraduate and PhD students.
Her scientific works are connected with the following main directions.
- Russistics, historical lexicology and lexicography;
- Turkic-Slavic linguistic interaction;
- Textbook science, teaching Russian as a mother tongue and as a second language;
- Sociolinguistics;
- development of children's literature, and the problem of children's reading in Kazakhstan. 
In the first direction lectures are held, syllabuses are compiled, PhD and doctoral dissertations are defended, scientific articles and dictionaries are published, as well as monographs "Glosses as a Text Phenomenon" (Almaty, 1997; 2nd ed., Moscow, 2018), in English. - in 2012 in London.
 The content of works in the second direction is determined by the problems of Turco-Slavica, the study and description of which formed the basis of scientific research, reflected in such significant works as: "Turco-Slavica: Language, Ethnicity, Culture in a Common Space" (Petropavlovsk, 2011); "Turkic Languages in the Eurasian Space: Current State, Trends and Prospects" (Astana, 2012); "Turkic Languages and Ethnic Groups: Language and Ethno-Demographic Processes (Astana, 2015); "History of World Turkology" (Almaty, 2016) as well as a number of scientific publications on Turkisms in Russian language and language contacts. 
In the third area with the active participation of Professor N. Shaimerdenova were developed the first trial textbooks, and then implemented in education: a 9 grade textbook "Russian speech" (Russian language) for schools with Kazakh, Uzbek, Uighur languages of instruction (2005, 2007, 2013 editions), as an expert worked on textbooks, prepared in the conditions of updating the content of education. 
    On the fourth direction is carried out work as the senior research assistant of laboratory "Sociolinguistics, the theory and practice of translation"; published collective dictionary and the monographs "Sociolinguistic directory "Languages of the people of Kazakhstan" (2007; 2nd edition 2020). ), collective monograph "Imperatives of State Ethnopolitics of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and Analytical Materials and Methodological Recommendations for Governmental Bodies" (2012) as well as bilingual Ethnopolitical Dictionary: "Ethnosayasi sozdik" (Astana, 2014), a great work as a member of Scientific-Expert Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan. N.Zh. Shaimerdenova shows herself not only as a scientist-researcher, reading theoretical courses, but also as an author of children's fairy tales "Princess of flowers", "Tales of Flamingo beautiful birds" (2013) and others, published in the collection "Ananyң ertegileri: бірге оқімыз жəне суret саламыз / Mom's fairy tales: read together, draw together (2016), translated into other languages. 
The publications are presented in ranked journals, in the Bulletins recommended by the Committee for certification of scientific personnel of the Republic of Kazakhstan, forums of international level, has a high citation index. 
In different years N.Zh. Shaimerdenova performed research (both as a supervisor and as an executor), including international projects: "Dynamics of functional development of the state language and efficiency of new language policy" (1991-2001, grant of the MES of the RK on basic research); "Ingush in Russia and in the world: sociolinguistic research" (2007-2008, the project of the Ingush Institute of Social Research, Nazran; Institute of Humanitarian Research, Tyumen State University, Tyumen; Center of Humanitarian Research KMIT "Parasat", Almaty); "Languages of Kazakhstan diasporas as the basis of sustainable development of interethnic relations" (2009-2011, grant of the MES of the RK), Grant of the MES RK); "Language, Ethnicity, Culture in the Context of Turkic-Slavic Interaction" (2011, NAO "Turkic Academy"); "Language Processes of Modern Turkic Languages Development in Eurasian Multiethnic Space" (2012-2013), ); "Children's Literature as the Basis for Development of Spiritual and Moral Individuals in the Multicultural Kazakh Society" (2012-2014, grant under the MES RK program, KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov); "Study of Art-Defining System, Formal Stylistics and Grammar of Jirau Poetry of XV-XVIII Centuries. Frequency Dictionary", (2021-2023, grant from the programme of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, supervised by K. Zhanabayev). K. Zhanabayev), etc.
Professor N.Zh. Shaimerdenova made a great contribution to modern science. 
Her activity is marked by high awards, including: State medal of the Russian Federation named after A.S. Pushkin (2007); Honorary badge of the Roszarubezhcentre "For contribution to friendship". (2008); Badges "For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009), "Honourable worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan". (2010); "Mədeniyet salasynynyn үzdigi" of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2014), "For Interaction" Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (2017), "For Merit" of the Moscow State Linguistic University (2018), G.H. Andersen Award of the NAB RK (2017), Gold Medal "Birlik" of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (2018); "Lev Gumilev" Medal from LNU (2018), Silver Medal of Literary Festival "LiFt 2018).