Musabekova Ulzhan YesenovnaFarabi University

Musabekova Ulzhan Yesenovna

4 april, 2024

Musabekova Ulzhan Yesenovna is a  Doctor of Philology, Director dof the Center for Kazakh Language and Culture at the Moscow State Linguistic University.
Career: born in 1972, she was educated at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (1990-1995), completed postgraduate studies at the Department of General Linguistics of the Philological Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in 10.02.19 – theory of language (2002-2004). In 2004 she defended her PhD thesis "Semantics of odorous units and figurative-perceptual stereotypes" in the specialty 02/10/19 – theory of language. In 2010 She defended her doctoral dissertation "Theory and practice of orthology: grammatical foundations of otonymic names" in the specialties 02/10/2011 – Russian language, 02/10/19 – theory of language. From 2004 to 2008. U.E. Musabekova worked at the Department of Language and General Education Training of Foreigners of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University as a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor. From 2008 to 2014, Musabekova U.E. She was the director of the Center for Kazakh Language and Culture at the Moscow State Linguistic University on the basis of an agreement between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and MSLU on international cooperation. During the years of activity at the Center of the Kazakh Language and Culture at MGLU, Musabekova U.E. developed an educational and methodological complex for a practical course of the Kazakh language, a textbook "Kazakh language for CIS countries", and also prepared educational and methodological complexes for distance education in the study of the language, culture, and history of the Kazakh people, the presentation of which was successfully held in Moscow, Moscow St. Petersburg, Minsk, Baku, Vilnius, Dushanbe, Astana, Almaty, Kokshetau.

Scientific activity: Musabekova U.E. was the coordinator of the program "Language unites us" of the Summer Language School organized by the Committee on Languages of the Ministry of Information and Culture, has experience working in Sunday schools at the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan for the study of the Kazakh language. She also taught Kazakh language courses for diplomats at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation in Moscow. From 2006 to 2008, Ulzhan Musabekova worked in a creative team to create Russian language curricula for secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Musabekova U.E. successfully combines educational and methodological and research work. From 2005 to 2007, she supervised the scientific work of the Faculty for foreign citizens of KazNU. On her initiative, international conferences "Russian and Kazakh languages in a foreign language space: modern learning technologies" (2006); "Problems of adaptation of representatives of the Kazakh Diaspora in the socio-information space of Kazakhstan" (2007), "Traditions and innovations in the theory and practice of teaching a second language" (2008 G.). Musabekova U.E. He is a participant in the following projects: The Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation – The Innovative educational program of the Moscow State Linguistic University "The system of formation of linguistic competence is an important factor in the innovative development of Russia (Linguapark)" (2007-2008), the Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation – the Scientific and Educational Center "Regional Studies, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication in the SCO countries" – Moscow State Linguistic University (2008-2009), the Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan – "Historical and cultural heritage and integration processes of Turkic peoples and states", "Language, ethnicity, culture in the context of Turkic-Slavic interaction" (2011-2012). Musabekova U.E. – laureate of the State Scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for young and talented scientists (2007-2008). He has more than 70 published scientific papers, including 2 textbooks, 2 textbooks, 1 glossary. Musabekova U.E. He continuously works to improve his professional level and participates in training seminars and trainings (Almaty, Astana, Kokshetau, Moscow, Minsk, Vilnius, Baku, Dushanbe). He has more than 20 certificates of advanced training. In April 2014, she participated in the program for the organization of linguistic schools of the Government of Castile, Leon (Spain). 2014 – 2017 – worked as the head of the Department of Diplomatic Translation at the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Since 2015, he has been the coordinator of the educational program for teaching Russian as a foreign language with the American Councils Educational Program.

Awards and achievements: For her services to popularize the Kazakh language abroad, for her great contribution to cultural and scientific cooperation between Russian and Kazakh linguists, U.E. Musabekova was awarded a Letter of Thanks from the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation, the Committee on Languages of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an Honorary Diploma from the Rector of MGLU, as well as a Letter of Thanks from the Minister of Education and Science RK, Honorary diploma of the rector of al-Farabi Kazakh National University.