By Order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abzal Nukenov was appointed as a head of the Situation Center of the Security Council in February in 2013.
Abzal Nukenov was born on July 21st, in 1978 in the village of Buyen in the Aksu district of Taldykorgan region and grew up in a family of rural intellectuals. His father is Nuken Bakitaev, born in 1939, an economist by profession, who has worked on the land all his life. His mother – Tynyshtyk Nurpeis mother was an accountant, who devoted most of her life to raising her children.
After graduating with honors from a rural secondary school, Abzal Nukenov entered the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Philosophy and Politics of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 1995,.
Abzal Nukenov successfully completed his studies at the university and was assigned to work in his specialty as a political consultant in the Central Office of the established Republican “Otan” party in 2000. Then he was appointed as a head of the sector of the ideological department of the Central Office of the party in 2003.
Abzal Nukenov, as part of his official activities, participates in the preparation of ideological documents of the party and the formation of the image of a political organization. Closely interacts with a wide range of creative and scientific intelligent, public figures and media representatives. In 2003-2004, as part of the election campaign for representative authorities, he visited almost all regions of the country - more than 100 cities and villages of Kazakhstan. These were important events for understanding and adequately assessing the real situation in the country.
The socio-political path becomes a fertile ground for applying and improving one's professional knowledge and skills. Also, Abzal Nukenov is engaged in research and teaching activities, including at the Department of Political Science of Kazakh National University.
Abzal Nukenov was invited to the civil service: Head of the Department for Work with non-governmental organizations and religious Associations of the Department of Internal Policy of the council of Almaty in March 2005. During these years, the country's leadership has paid great attention to strengthening the role of domestic non-governmental organizations as partners of the state in solving urgent social problems of the country. In 2005 the first forum of non-governmental organizations is being held in Almaty, public and expert councils of NGO’s are being created under city authorities, and broad financial support for their activities is being practiced for the first time. Regulation of the activities of religious organizations is becoming a separate serious area of state policy in the field of domestic policy. A broad explanation of the role of the secular state is practiced, and conceptual problems of the relationship between religion and the state become the subject of scientific and applied discussions.
Later Abzal Nukenov was appointed as a vice-council of the Auezov district of Almaty for socio-political issues. The difficult socio-political situation that has developed in the district after the well-known tragic events in the neighborhood “Shanyrak” in July 2006 forces the local authorities to pay primary attention to the problems of internal migration and the social well-being of residents. Solving the problems of adaptation of new citizens, regulating migration processes, developing social infrastructure, working closely with the population and socio-political organizations, and generally ensuring the stable development of the district (and the city) have become important aspects of Abzal Nukenov's activities in this position.
In 2009, the country's Security Council took the initiative to give additional impetus to the process of developing the expert analytical environment. Next year, Abzal Nukenov was invited to Astana by the director of the newly created Institute of Modern Studies of the L.Gumilev Eurasian National University. Under his leadership, a series of scientific studies is being conducted on the topical issues of domestic and foreign policy, national and regional security. Abzal Nukenov is the author and editor–in-chief of several books and publications, in particular, such as "Fact and Nation", dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a collection of publications "Security and cooperation in Central Asia in the XXI century: goals, priorities and challenges", etc. He is the author of more than 50 scientific publications and publications devoted to topical issues of the development of society and the state. From January 2010 to December 2011, he was a member of the Expert Council under the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Abzal Nukenov joined the civil service in the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as head of the sector of the Security Council Situation Center, and then – Deputy Head, Head of the Security Council.
Abzal Nukenov is one of the young and successful graduates of our university. He was awarded the “For Valiant labor” medal.
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