Partnership for Sustainable Development

2 april, 2024

In order to implement the 17th UN Sustainable Development Goal: Partnership for Sustainable Development, April 01, 2024, on April 2, 2024, the legal culture training camp for students from Central Asian countries, organized at the Northwestern University of Political Sciences and Law within the framework of the Chinese Bridge 2024 initiative, ended. At the last lecture, conducted by Professor Shi Yi, the participants of the Council of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University discussed the topic "APPLICATION OF THE CISG IN CHINA". The closing ceremony was also held on the final day of the training camp. Participants and invited guests were able to enjoy a variety of cultural performances. The closing ceremony was hosted by Chen Mengqi, Deputy Director of the University's Department of International Exchange and Cooperation. Students and teachers presented performances of poetry, music and dance, presenting traditional elements of their cultures. The highlights were the performances of students performing traditional Kazakh and Chinese music, as well as a dance performance demonstrating Chinese folk dance.
Within the framework of the event, certificates of honor were awarded to outstanding participants.