27 april, 2024

Begmanov Abdygali Salbekuly, a member of the board of the Agency for Management of Land Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, corresponding member of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was born on March 23, 1955, in the village of Kyzyl-Dikhan, Kazygurt district, South Kazakhstan region.

After graduating from high school in 1972, he began his work as a laborer at the Myngbayev Farm in the village of KazNIIoIR, Almaty region.

In 1973, he entered the preparatory department of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, in 1974, he entered the geographical faculty of this university, which he graduated from in 1979. Since October 1979, he has worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the Geography Faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute.

In the 1980s-1990s, he worked in Komsomol and party bodies. He worked as the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the T.Bokin collective farm in Kurtinsky district of Almaty region, inspector of the Komsomol organizations department of the Almaty regional committee of the Komsomol, second secretary of the Moscow district committee of the Komsomol of Almaty, instructor of the Talgar district party committee, senior economist of the "Almaty" collective farm in Talgar district, secretary of the party organization of the "Karaoy" state farm of Almaty region.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee for State Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State Economic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department, Chief Inspector of the Department of Organizational and Inspectorial Affairs and Regional Development of the Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Cabinet of Ministers (1991-1996), Director of the Michurin Fruit and Berry Wine State Farm, President of the Michurin Agrofirm (1993-1996), Chief Inspector of the Department of Regional Development of the Government Apparatus of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1997), Head of the Dostyk Customs of the Customs Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy Chief, First Deputy Chief of the Customs Administration for Almaty region (1997-2004), Deputy Head of the Department of Event Support and External Relations of the Presidential Affairs Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006), Head of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulating Natural Monopolies, Head of the Apparatus (2006-2007), Head of the Interregional Land Inspection of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Land Resources Management for Almaty region and the city of Almaty (2007-2011), General Director of the Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management "State Scientific and Production Center of Land Management and Land Resources (Gosnptc)" of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Land Resources Management (2011-2012).

Since October 2012 to the present, he has been the director of the Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management "State Institute of Agricultural Aerophotogeodesy Surveys (ASHAIMI)" of the Committee for Land Resources Management of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 2017, he has been the chairman of the commission for passing comprehensive exams and defending master's dissertations of master's and doctoral students in the specialties 6M060900 and 6D060900 Geography, 6M090300 Land Management, 6M090700 Cadastre.

Since the 2018 academic year, he has been giving lectures to master's students in the specialties of cadastre and land management. Member of the editorial board of the journal "Kazakhstan Land Resources - Land Resources of Kazakhstan", chairman of the State Attestation Commission of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Honorary Professor of the Kazakh National Agrarian University, Honorary Head of the Department of Land Resources and Cadastre, and a member of the dissertation council.

Orders: "Kurmet", medal "For Labor Valor", breastplates "Honorary Land Manager", "Excellence in Agriculture" and breastplates "Labor Danqy" I, II categories of the Central Committee of the Union of Trade Unions of Agricultural and Processing Enterprises Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "For Labor Valor" of the Kazakh National Agrarian University, "80 years of al-Farabi Kazakh National University", "80 years of the Kazakh Research Institute of Livestock and Forage Production", Jubilee medals "80 years of the State Institute of Agricultural Aerophotogeodesic Surveys", Order "Glory of Kazakhstan" of the organizing committee of the business rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Certificate of Merit of the Customs Administration of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Thank You Letter" of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs Management, "Thank You Letter" of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Land Resources Management, Almaty city Owner of the "Certificate of Honor" of the Department of Emergency Situations, "Kurmet" of the Akim of the Bostandyk district of Almaty city.

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