Anti-corruption compliance and prevention

26 april, 2024

  On April 26, 2024, a meeting of the Academic Committee No. 7 in the field of training 042 Law, 123 Public Safety of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was held.

  Issues related to updated educational programs in these areas were discussed. New educational programs for the Master's degree were also discussed. Employers took part in the work of the Academic Committee.

  The draft educational program of the OP "Anti-corruption compliance and prevention" is coordinated by Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Useinova. The draft educational program of the OP "Labor law, social security relations" is coordinated by PhD doctor, Associate Professor Ryskaliev D.

  The coordinators outlined the purpose, objectives and planned learning outcomes of these programs. There was a discussion on the proposed disciplines and modules of these educational programs. The members of the Academic Committee supported the proposed educational programs.

Chairman of the Academic Committee, Doctor of Law, Professor A.S. Ibraeva.