Subject Olympiad is held in KazNUFarabi University

Subject Olympiad is held in KazNU

29 april, 2024

In the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University began the Republican Student Subject Olympiad on educational programs "Pedagogy and Psychology", "Religious Studies" and "Cultural Studies".

The official opening ceremony of the Olympiad was attended by renowned scientists from higher educational institutions of the republic, scientific supervisors and students.

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Associate Professor Bekzhan Meirbayev addressed the guests and participants of the Olympiad among the universities of the country. Wishing the students good luck, he familiarized with the members of the expert commission. The chairman of the commission on educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology", the director of general education school №10 of the Department of Education of Almaty city Sh. Udurimova, the dean of the theological faculty of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Hodja Ahmed Yasawi - in the direction of "Religious Studies", Professor D. Kenzhetayev - in the educational program "Cultural Studies" Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Doctor of Philosophy A. Kulsarieva. They wished the students success and victory.

In the educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology" of the Republican Student Subject Olympiad 15 team groups applied. For the program "Religious Studies" - 5 and for "Cultural Studies" - 4 team groups.