A word about the teacher

27 june, 2024

Profile school of Al-Farabi KazNU has existed for more than ten years, and during this time not only managed to establish its place in the traditional image of the university, but also to create its own unique traditions, successfully adapting to modern challenges, rigorously coping with the tasks assigned to it. Here every student has an opportunity to reveal his/her potential, choose his/her path and master the field of knowledge that attracts him/her. Olympiads, conferences, scientific competitions - all this is just a part of the rich educational palette that helps students to develop and grow. Despite the fact that our school is still very young, the chronicle of its events is being written today, and it is written by our students and their mentors-teachers.

A teacher is a special person in everyone's life. He is like the first love, he is not forgotten. Often the authority of a teacher determines the fate of a student and shapes his/her choice. I would like to add that a teacher also determines the "face" of the school where he/she works. Teacher... How modest this word sounds lately. Teacher... How strong this word sounds. A teacher is someone who can make difficult things easy. Someone who teaches you how to find the truth. Someone who can show you the right path. Teacher... How proudly we say this word when we remember our school mentors: "This is my teacher!"
I want to tell about one such teacher of our school.
Kaupenbaeva Roza Basargabyzovna... Senior teacher, candidate of biological sciences, teacher of the highest category of profile school of KazNU. Fifty years, is it much or little? For some - just a moment and confidence that all the best is still ahead, for others - it is a whole life, full of events and impressions. In 1967 Rosa, a young school graduate, crossed the threshold of S.M.Kirov KazSU. She entered the Faculty of Biology. And since then she became an integral part of this world of education. Having successfully graduated from the university in 1972, she was left at the department as a senior laboratory assistant, where she began her labor activity and scientific work.
Due to family circumstances she had to work for some time in schools of Alma-Ata region as a teacher of biology and chemistry, head teacher and director of Narynkol secondary school, then as an inspector of RayONO. All these years she lived school, all thoughts and feelings were addressed to children. So selflessly and devotedly to fulfill her duty, to be a Teacher and Director with a capital letter, setting an example to colleagues and bringing up the best qualities in her students, can a person who is passionate about what she loves, loves her profession and is able to understand and respect children, as Roza Basargabyzovna is.
Having returned to the native chair of histology and cytology of the biological faculty of KazNU Kaupenbaeva R.B. continued her scientific work. She successfully defended her candidate's thesis. More than half a century to go to study, to work the beaten path! It is probably difficult to count how many students Rosa Basargabyzovna released into the big life during this time. But she remembers them all. And they remember her.
Kaupenbaeva R.B. is not only a professional, but also an incredibly versatile personality. With her it is possible to talk with great interest about literature, music, painting, on many questions she has her own view. She is an example of active life position both for colleagues and students. They say about such teachers as Roza Basargabyzovna: "She lights up hearts with her energy...", she is constantly engaged in science, writes scientific articles, supervises scientific works of students of our school. Her responsible attitude, desire to achieve the ideal, perfection can be felt in everything.
Is it possible to give a clear, brief definition of pedagogical success? Is it a certificate of higher education? Diplomas and commendations awarded for "professional approach," "high level," "achievements and talent of a teacher?" A ministerial diploma? It's all there. But her teaching success, first of all, is seen in the eyes of her students, when in them flashes a desire to learn with her help something new, filling the mind, heart and soul.

Kalamkas KADIROVA,

teacher of Russian language

teacher of Russian language and literature at the specialized school of KazNU

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