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- international scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Modern challenges and prospects of customs administration in the context of digital transformation”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Law, Professor Alibekov Sailaubek Tynyshbekovich
international scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Modern challenges and prospects of customs administration in the context of digital transformation”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Law, Professor Alibekov Sailaubek Tynyshbekovich
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law invites you on November 22, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. to take part in the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Modern challenges and prospects of customs administration in the context of digital transformation”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Law, Professor Alibekov Sailaubek Tynyshbekovich in in the light of the implementation of the Address of the Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Fair Kazakhstan: Law and Order, Economic Growth, Public Optimism” and timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The conference covers a wide range of issues related to various aspects of law enforcement practice, legislative regulation and theoretical foundations of jurisprudence. The involvement of specialists from various branches of law will allow all participants to discuss topical problems and offer effective solutions.
This conference is held as part of the implementation of the Address of the Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Fair Kazakhstan: Law and Order, Economic Growth, Public Optimism”, as part of the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals aimed at building a peaceful, open and democratic society in the interests of its sustainable development.
The purpose of the conference is to exchange ideas, opinions, experience on topical issues of ensuring security and the activities of customs authorities in the face of new challenges, discussing directions and prospects for development, as well as discussing the most important conceptual issues of customs administration in the context of transition to sustainable development. Particular attention will be paid to the scientific works of Professor S.T. Alibekov, who made an invaluable contribution to the development and strengthening of Kazakhstani society, as well as to the formation and improvement of the regulatory framework in the field of customs and tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The conference was organized by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Law, Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law.
Directions of the conference:
- The impact of digital transformation on the processes of customs administration.
- Topical issues of the development of customs authorities in the face of new challenges and threats.
- Actual problems of ensuring economic and national security in modern conditions.
- Foreign experience in the use of digital technologies in customs.
- Current trends in the development of customs control technologies.
- Transformation of international transport flows in modern conditions.
We invite representatives of all branches of jurisprudence. Your contribution to the discussion of the conceptual and practical aspects of law enforcement will contribute to the development of solutions to modern legislative and law enforcement problems.
The conference will be attended by leading scientists of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, representatives of government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international and national experts, representatives of civil society, human rights organizations, teachers and students of universities, and media representatives.
Following the conference, an electronic collection of materials will be published with the assignment of an international standard number (ISBN).
The collection is planned to include a section of poster presentations for everyone who wants to take part in the conference in the areas of legal science.
A scientific article should be submitted by November 17.
The working languages of the conference are Kazakh, Russian and English.
Date and time of the conference: November 22, 2024, at 10.00 a.m. (Astana)
Venue: Almaty, 71 Al-Farabi Avenue, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, library, room 409.
Coordinators: Kuanalieva Guldana Amangeldievna, Rasheva Gulnur Koishynovna
tel.: +7702-253-38-93; +7701-055-51-10
E-mail: gulnur1989@mail.ru.
Format: Hybrid format (online-offline).
Link to join the conference in ZOOM
Conference ID: 894 7221 3960
Access code: 604446
The terms of participation:
Those wishing to take part in the conference must send an email to the following address by November 17, 2024:
- application for participation in the conference;
- the text of the report that meets the requirements for its formatting.
Application for participation in the conference:
Full name: ___________________________________________________
Place of study or work: _____________________________________________
Position (for students – course), academic degree: ____________________
Contact phone numbers: _______________________________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________
For students - full name, student. degree, academic title of scientific supervisor
Applications received by the organizing committee after the specified deadline will not be considered.
Send materials by e-mail address: gulnur1989@mail.ru
An article of 5-8 pages should be typed in a text editor MS Word; font Times New Roman, font size - 14, line spacing - 1; paragraph - 1.25 cm, margins: left, right, top and bottom - 2 cm. The UDC index is indicated in the upper left corner.
The first line is the last name, first name, patronymic of the author(s), place of work (position)/study) (each in full); Academic degree (if available), title.
On the next line is the name of the organization, below is the city and country, below is the author’s email address. In the center is the title of the article in capital letters in bold. In the center is the title of the article in capital letters in bold. Below is the abstract (in Kazakh, Russian and English) for the scientific article - no more than 150 words. After the abstract - 6-8 keywords.
The main text of the article begins every other line. Figures and tables are allowed in the text. Links to sources are given in square brackets; links are numbered throughout the text. A complete bibliography in the language of the article is provided at the end of the article.
The article must be carefully edited in compliance with all requirements.
The materials will be published in the original edition
УДК 340.132.626
K.Zh. Kuandykov
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
E-mail: kuandykov_kzh@mail.ru
Аннотация. Предметом исследования выступает правовой механизм охраны и использования пастбищных экосиситем с позиции выполнения Казахстаном международных обязательств в области обеспечения устойчивого развития. Автором изучены правовые инструменты охраны пастбищных экосистем, проведен сравнительный анализ законодательства зарубежных стран, предложены рекомендации по совершенствованию законодательства о пастбищах, земельного законодательства РК.
Ключевые слова: экология, экологический правопорядок, устойчивое развитие, пастбищные экосистемы, международные обязательства
Аннотация. Мақалада Қазақстанның орнықты дамуды қамтамасыз ету саласындағы халықаралық міндеттемелерді орындауы тұрғысынан жайылымдық экожүйелерді қорғау мен пайдаланудың құқықтық тетігі болып табылады. Автор жайылымдық экожүйелерді қорғаудың құқықтық құралдарын зерделеді, шет елдердің заңнамасына салыстырмалы талдау жүргізді, Жайылымдар туралы заңнаманы, ҚР жер заңнамасын жетілдіру бойынша ұсынымдар ұсынды.
Түйін сөздер: экология, экологиялық құқық тәртібі, тұрақты даму, жайылымдық экожүйелер, халықаралық міндеттемелер
Annotation. The subject of the study is the legal mechanism for the protection and use of pasture ecosystems from the perspective of Kazakhstan's fulfillment of international obligations in the field of sustainable development. The author has studied the legal instruments for the protection of pasture ecosystems, conducted a comparative analysis of the legislation of foreign countries, proposed recommendations for improving the legislation on pastures, the land legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: ecology, ecological law and order, sustainable development, pasture ecosystems, international obligations
Sustainable development is one of the internationally recognized principles [1], which has received legal recognition in the legislation of Kazakhstan. In particular, the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the EC of the Republic of Kazakhstan) stipulates that “sustainable development is recognized as the socio-economic development of the country, achieved without violating environmental sustainability, while maintaining ecological systems and ensuring their sustainable functioning.
List of used literature::
1 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 1992 // [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/declarations/riodecl.shtml (accessed 01/01/2024)