of K.-Zh. Tokayev's interview with the newspaper "Ana tili" on January 3, 2025Farabi University

of K.-Zh. Tokayev's interview with the newspaper "Ana tili" on January 3, 2025

3 january, 2025

During the conversation, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan summed up the results of the past 2024, talking about the main events in the country's foreign and domestic policy, assessing the key points regarding Kazakhstan's position on the world stage. It should be noted that such programmatic speeches by the head of state are necessary for us, socially active citizens of Kazakhstan. Listening or reading them, we understand that the President of the country is thinking about the main issues of concern to the people and what is his vision of the processes taking place in modern society.

Describing the year 2024, K.-Zh. Tokayev called it "decisive": the foundation for the upcoming five-year development has been laid in the country.

The head of the country dwelled on the challenges that Kazakhstan has experienced in the past year. The unprecedented flood experienced last year, on the one hand, showed the unity of the country's people and the ability of civil servants to act productively in force majeure situations, but on the other, exposed the problems existing in the construction of protective dams and other hydraulic structures, predicting emergencies, etc. The President stressed that in any extraordinary situation it is important to remain calm, not to dramatize and not to panic. The year 2024 continued a series of man-made, natural emergencies. "Of course, we still have a lot to do, but compared to other countries, Kazakhstan looks decent in terms of emergency response."

As always, the Head of State clearly highlighted Kazakhstan's position in the international arena. "Kazakhstan's status as a middle power, of course, requires a lot, first of all, responsible behavior in the international arena, a constructive approach to the most pressing problems of our time." He once again confirmed our state's consistent commitment to the decisions of the United Nations, calling this organization "the common home of all mankind." The visits of the leaders of friendly countries such as Russia and China to our country, as well as close cooperation with the Turkic-speaking powers, are clear evidence of the support of good-neighborly relations in mutual mutually beneficial interests. Speaking about Kazakhstan's role in solving accumulated international problems, the President stated: "I am convinced that the time has come when the middle Powers can work together to build new strong bridges between conflicting geopolitical poles and thereby reduce the level of international confrontation."

          At the same time, K.-Zh.Tokayev drew the audience's attention to the fact that solving domestic political problems was and remains a priority for him.

The Head of State called for a responsible attitude to environmental problems, noting that "cleanliness and respect for the environment should become part of the national mentality." Despite the fact that the country's government has managed to cope with a large number of economic problems, the President assessed its work as "mediocre." The head of state called solving the problem of job creation, economic efficiency, and labor productivity growth the main task.

Speaking about the consequences of the events of January 2022, K.-Zh. Tokayev stressed that the country was able to pass this most difficult test thanks to the unity of the people. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the principles of "Law and Order." "A just state is a state governed by the rule of law, in which all citizens are equal before the law, in which equal opportunities for all are based on strict observance of laws, rules and regulations."

The head of the country shared his vision of the state structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. I am convinced that my concept of a "Strong President – Influential Parliament – Accountable Government" is the best fit for Kazakhstan's political system."

For us, linguistic teachers, the opinion of the head of state on language policy is important. The President pointed out that in order to further enhance the status of the Kazakh language, it is necessary to use digital technologies, it is important to use the potential of creative youth and the creative industry, and create commercially attractive Kazakh-language content. At the same time, the development of the state language should not be opposed to the development of the Russian language.

The theses outlined by President K.-Zh. Tokayev in an interview with the newspaper "Ana Tili" are important, as they represent, on the one hand, a summing up of the results of the past year, and on the other, the priority directions of the country's development in the coming 2025th year.

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