Abstract of the training "Protection and protection of sexual and reproductive health of young people: conscious choice today is the key to sustainable development tomorrow"Farabi University

Abstract of the training "Protection and protection of sexual and reproductive health of young people: conscious choice today is the key to sustainable development tomorrow"

10 december, 2024


On December 10, 2024, a training on the topic "Protection and protection of sexual and reproductive health of young people" was held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The event was organized by the Department of Sociology and Social Work of KazNU, and was held in the Kazakh language and became an important part of the work to promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 and 4, aimed at ensuring health and well-being for all ages, as well as ensuring inclusive and quality education. The speaker was Ainur Bakytzhanova, a trainer of the Kazakhstan Association for Sexual and Reproductive Health and a leading analyst at the Center for the Study of Public Opinion.

Relevance of the training: In the context of globalization, information overload and the growth of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the relevance of issues of sexual and reproductive health of young people is becoming especially acute. Young people often face a lack of reliable information and the influence of myths, which leads to risky behavior, an increase in the number of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Conducting trainings aimed at raising awareness helps young people make informed and responsible decisions, which not only improves their quality of life, but also contributes to the formation of a healthy society that is resistant to social and medical challenges.

Objectives of the training:

    • Raising awareness about sexual and reproductive health.
    • Developing skills for informed choice and responsible decision-making.
    • Informing about methods of preventing STIs, HIV, and modern methods of contraception.
    • Contribution to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 and 4 aimed at health, well-being and quality education.

The main objective of the training was to form a conscious attitude towards their sexual and reproductive health among young people through the provision of scientifically based information, the development of practical skills and raising awareness about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), contraception methods and the importance of a responsible approach to reproductive choice.

The training contributed to:

    • Developing the ability to analyze and assess risks associated with sexual behavior.
    • Strengthening skills for safe behavior and personal responsibility for one's own health.
    • Increasing the level of literacy in the field of available medical services and contraception.
    • Formation of sustainable motivation for active participation in promoting a healthy lifestyle and equal access to knowledge to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Key issues raised during the training:

  1. The problem of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV: routes of transmission, symptoms, prevention.
  2. Classification and availability of contraceptive methods.
  3. Barriers to access to contraceptives: economic, cultural, social aspects.

Format and methods of delivery: The training was built using interactive methods: a quiz in Kahoot, brainstorming, a mini-game "Risk or Myth", and working with cards to classify contraceptive methods. This technique allowed the participants to better understand the topics discussed and actively engage in the learning process.

Results and significance: The training demonstrated a high interest among young people in sexual and reproductive health issues. Participants received scientifically based information, were able to dispel popular myths and misconceptions, and learn about practical measures to maintain health. Conducting the event in the Kazakh language contributed to better assimilation of the material and audience involvement.

The organization of the training was made possible thanks to the support of the Department of Sociology and Social Work of KazNU, as well as the Kazakhstan Association for Sexual and Reproductive Health.

This training has become an important step in the formation of a culture of conscious attitude of young people to reproductive health issues and continues to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development of society.


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