International Olympiad «Al-Farabi 2025»
24 february-28 march
International Olympiad «Al-Farabi 2025»
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University holds the annual "Al-Farabi 2025" International Olympiad for 11 th-grade students from Kazakhstan and the CIS countries, as well as from near and far foreign educational organizations, to support talented students.
The «Al-Farabi 2025» Olympiad is held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" to identify and support gifted students.
The winners of the Olympiad are awarded with diplomas of I, II and III degrees of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and will have a priority right when entering a higher educational institution. They can also apply for an internal discount Al-Farabi KazNU. Graduates of educational schools from the CIS countries, as well as near and far abroad, will be given the right to enter the university without entrance exams for discount.
The Olympics will be held in three stages. The first and second rounds will be held online on the website at the link
The Olympiad will held in Kazakh, Russian and English in the following subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, computer science, history of Kazakhstan, world history, Kazakh language and literature, Russian language and literature, English, German, French languages, basics of law.
Registration for the Olympiad can be done from February 24 to March 07 online at (as an applicant).
The complete information about the olympiad will be posted on the official website of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
For 11th grade students, the I round will take place on March 11-12 (from 09.00 to 18:00 Astana time, schedule by region by link, the II round on March 18-19 (from 09.00 to 18.00 Astana time, schedule by region by link,) in online mode using proctoring.
For graduates of educational schools from the CIS countries, as well as near and far abroad, the I round will be held on March 12 (from 15.00 to 16.00 Astana time, the II round on March 19 (from 15.00 to 16.00 Astana time ) in online mode using proctoring.
Participants who scored 23 points and above will pass to the II-round (III-round).
For Kazakh pupil, the III round will be held on March 27-28 offline at the university. Tasks of the third round of the natural-mathematical direction will be held in the form of solving theoretical and practical problems and answers to test questions, and the social and humanitarian directions - the essay, the solution of the situational problem and answers to test questions.
For graduates of educational institutions from the CIS countries, as well as those from near and far abroad who have been granted permission to participate in the online format according to paragraph 10, subparagraph 2 of the Rules for Organizing and Conducting the "Al-Farabi 2025" International Olympiad, the III round will take place on March 28 (from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Astana time) via Zoom at the following link:
(Conference ID: 260 335 6827. Access code: wFDq72).
For all questions, please call:
Tel: +7 (727) 377-33-30; 377-33-33 ext. 17-29, 17-31, 17-34
Organizing Committee
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