Erasmus+ Projects at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

The Erasmus+ programs have long been recognized as an essential tool for strengthening international cooperation in education, science, and innovation. These projects facilitate the exchange of experiences between universities, promote relevant educational programs, provide unique opportunities for professional development for students and faculty, and actively support the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University became part of this process through the Tempus projects. A prominent example is the Tempus I-WEB ("Integrating Water cycle management: building capability, capacity and impact in Education and Business") project, which aimed to develop an innovative educational program on integrated water resource management for ecologists with the involvement of employers and educational institutions. This project laid the foundation for improving the university's educational programs and infrastructure, introducing new approaches to learning, and enhancing international collaboration. The experience gained during the implementation of the I-WEB project became a cornerstone for KazNU's further participation in environmentally focused initiatives.
The next step was the project " Enhancing Competences of Sustainable Waste Management in Russian and Kazakh HEIs/EduEnvi," aimed at advancing environmental education and integrating sustainability issues into university curricula. The project involved the development of educational courses, seminars, and training sessions for faculty. The consortium included Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK, Finland), the University of Valladolid (Spain), ITMO University (Russia), Ural Federal University (Russia), Tyumen State University (Russia), as well as Kazakhstani universities—Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University and M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.
All partners developed 20 online courses (totaling 60 ECTS) in sustainable waste management, utilizing e-learning technologies and advanced pedagogical methods. These courses were created with input from employers and aimed at educating master's students and providing professional training for company employees. Faculty from the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics at Al-Farabi KazNU developed five massive open online courses across two modules: "Energy-Based Waste Disposal Methods" and "Non-Energy-Based Waste Disposal Methods." These courses are hosted on the platform and are accessible to all learners.
These achievements were continued through the LESLIE ("Land Management, Environment & Solid-Waste: Inside Education and Business in Central Asia") project, which encompasses areas such as land and water resource management, waste recycling, the introduction of renewable energy sources, and the popularization of environmental science. LESLIE builds upon and expands the EduEnvi initiatives, contributing to the development of a comprehensive approach to sustainable development and the training of specialists to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
A landmark event was the kick-off meeting at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), where participants reviewed progress on LESLIE's directions and agreed on steps for integrating micro-qualifications into Central Asian universities' educational programs. Micro-qualifications enable students to acquire additional competencies within their specialty quickly. The meeting also discussed methods of employer engagement and ways to strengthen international collaboration. This event highlighted the importance of joint efforts between universities and businesses to achieve environmental sustainability.
At KazNU, various activities are organized within the framework of the LESLIE project to raise environmental awareness and promote "green" technologies. For example, on April 25-26, 2024, the 10th Anniversary International Youth Forum "Green Bridge Across Generations" was held to discuss prospects for international cooperation in sustainable development. On September 12, 2024, the first online seminar was conducted with leading scholars from partner universities, focusing on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
A noteworthy event was the seminar held on November 21-22, 2024, at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, titled " Development of Microcredentials at the Present Stage". Participants included representatives from governmental bodies, public organizations, businesses, and leading universities, including the Coordinator of the Erasmus+ National Office in Kazakhstan, L.K. Paluanova, and Professor Javier Rodrigo Illarri from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, First Vice-Rector of Astana IT University, professor Omirbayev S.M. The seminar discussed new approaches to educational programs and shared experiences in training specialists demanded in the Central Asian labor market.
From December 12 to 14, 2024, a meeting on the Erasmus+ CBHE Strand1 LESLIE project was held at the Fergana Polytechnic University (Uzbekistan). The discussions covered task progress, the development of online courses and micro-qualifications, and future collaboration prospects. Participants approved the 2025 work plan, including creating an international environmental management hub, defining competencies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and integrating digital tools into educational programs.
Erasmus+ projects focused on environmental themes provide the university with opportunities not only to improve educational and scientific programs but also to actively contribute to solving global environmental issues. These initiatives transform approaches to education, equipping students and faculty with advanced tools and knowledge to promote ecological agendas and prepare the next generation of specialists.
Zhanar Shortanbayeva,
National Coordinator of the project from Kazakhstan, Deputy Head of the Thermophysics and Technical Physics Department, KazNU
Guldana Minzhanova,
Senior Lecturer at the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable