Providing dormitories for students in higher and postgraduate education organizations

Normative documents: regulated by the Rules for the distribution of places in dormitories of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, approved by order of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2022 No. 219.

Submission procedure:

1. Applications are submitted by students on paper (from 1st year students), 2nd and higher year students submit applications through the “Univer” system. Evidentiary documents are attached to the paper application (1st year) or scanned in PDF format in the Univer system (senior courses).
2. After consideration of applications by a special Commission and provision of places in dormitories according to the established priority, students print out orders on their page in the "Univer" system and settle in the dormitory.
3. Students who have not received a place in the dormitories receive places in the dormitories on a first-come, first-served basis, during the academic year, as places become available.

Contact numbers of: Office of Social Work: 8 727 377 33 33 (ext. 11-39).