History of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience

The Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience is one of the oldest departments of the faculty. The department was founded in 1938. The first head of the department was N. N. Pavlov, in subsequent years the head of the department was K. N. Nurmagambetov (1938-1942); Doctor of Medical Sciences, Acting Professor Rosenberg (1942-1944); Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR A. P. Polosukhin (1944-1947); Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor M. F. Avazbakieva (1947-1981); Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor H. D. Dyusembin (1981-1990); Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor K. S. Rymzhanov (1990-1997); Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Z. A. Askarova (1997-1999). The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics was founded in 1973, the head of the department was Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor V. M. Inyushin. In 1980-1983, the head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. B. Uteshev, and in 1984-1999-V. M. Inyushin himself.

With the need to train biology teachers for secondary and special schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, the Department of Methods of Teaching Biology was opened in October 1989. The head of the department was Ph. D., Professor N. T. Tormanov (1989-1996)).

From 1999 to 2020, the head of the department was Toleukhanov Sultan Toleukhanovich-Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, academician of the International Academy of Information Sciences.

Since the 2020-2021 academic year, the head of the department is Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Almira Kustubayeva.


Doctor of Biological Sciences, Kazakh SSR Academician A.P. Polosukhin

The Department of Human and Animal Physiology, which is part of the united department, is one of the oldest in the Faculty of Biology. It was founded in 1938. The first head of the department was Associate Professor N.N. Pavlov, in different years the department was headed by K.N. Nurmagambetov (1938-1942); Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.A. Rosenberg (1942-1944); Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR A.P. Polosukhin (1944-1947);

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor M.F.Avazbakieva

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor M.F. Avazbakieva (1947-1981);

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Askarova Z.A.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Kh.D. Dyusembin (1981-1990); Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K.S. Rymzhanov (1990-1997); Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Z.A. Askarova (1997-1999)

Doctor of Biological Sciences,

Professor V.M. Inyushin

The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics was created in 1973 and the department was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor V.M. Inyushin. From 1980-1983 The head of the department was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.B. Uteshev, from 1984 to 1999. again - V.M. Inyushin.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor N.T. Tormanov

The Department of Biology Teaching Methods was created in October 1989 in connection with the need to train biology teachers in secondary schools, special schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. The head of the department was Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor N.T. Tormanov (1989-1996).

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Tulekhanov S.T.

Since 1999, the head of the department has been Tulekhanov Sultan Tuleukhanovich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Information Science. The department trains specialists in bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees. Training is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English. General courses on animal and human physiology, biophysics and methods of teaching biology are taught for all specialties