Ғылыми және оқу материалдарының PDF форматындағы жарияланымдары

Ғылыми және оқу материалдарының жарияланымдары:

Аблайханова Нуржанят Татухановна, б.ғ.к., қауым.профессор

An updated pharmacological insight into calotropin as a potential therapeutic agent in cancer

The role of mitochondrial bioenergy and system glutathione in deficiency of Coenzyme Q and Complex I

Selective cytotoxicity and anticancer activity: ROS-induced cell death facilitated by metal complex

Integrating mathematical analysis and biotechnological approaches for enhanced environmental management

Тусупбекова Гульмира Аблаевна, б.ғ.к., қауым.профессор

Studying the effi ciency of carbon nano enterosorbents in the model of experimental renal failure

The Systematic Assessment of the Membrane-Stabilizing and Antioxidant Activities of Several Kazakhstani Plants in the Asteraceae Family

Anticancer properties of bromelain: State-of-the-art and recent trends

Influence of Industrial Factors on Cytomorphological Indicators of Phagocytic Cells

Phenolic compounds as Nrf2 inhibitors: potential applications in cancer therapy


Гумарова Ляззат Жанбулатовна, б.ғ.к., профессор


Comparative analysis of circadian rhythms of hemodynamics and physical activity

Influence of BMI on Cardiovascular Circadian Rhythms of Young Adults

Chronobiologically interpreted ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: past, present, and future