Farabi University


Discussion and approval of the plan for social and educational work of the department curators for the 2024-2025 academic year.

09/05/2024 Teacher of the Department of "Kindergarten" Bukhaeva Zhanerke Dauletbekovna together with students held an event called "September 5 - Day of Languages ​​of the People of Kazakhstan". The purpose of the event: to arouse interest in studying the national language by studying the cultural heritage of the people, to form a sense of patriotism.

Objectives: 1. To form a desire to study Kazakh, Russian and English. 2. To study the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting the territory of Kazakhstan; 3. To cultivate respect and a desire to study and know languages. Language Day is a sign of friendship, kinship and unity of the citizens of Kazakhstan, and friendship, mutual understanding and cooperation of peoples are the main pillars of state building. The holiday was adopted in independent Kazakhstan in 1998 and was initially celebrated on the third Sunday of September. In 2017, the date of the Day of Languages ​​was changed and timed to coincide with the birthday of the outstanding educator Akhmet Baitursynuly. Today, this day is marked as September 5 in the list of public holidays..

13.09.2024 As part of sustainable development, the teacher of the Nursing Department Merey Adilkyzy held a meeting with undergraduate students of the Nursing specialty on the topic "September 1 - Education Day". The goal is to be able to convey to students that Education Day is a great holiday, to increase their desire for education, to cultivate patriotism in well-mannered and educated citizens of the country. Conveying the importance of obtaining higher education in the field of nursing in the country.

24.10.2024 Muratan A.B., teacher of the Department of Nursing. As part of sustainable development, a meeting was held with undergraduate students in the direction of "Kindergarten" on the topic "October 25 - Republic Day". The goal is to explain the meaning of the national holiday of October 25 - Republic Day, to call on the younger generation to love their homeland, to protect the symbols of our country, to be proud that it is a rich and powerful country, to teach, to increase in them love for their native country and land, to awaken a feeling of love.

On November 18, 2024, M.Kh. Maksudova, a teacher of the Nursing Department, held a meeting with undergraduate students majoring in Nursing within the framework of sustainable development on the topic “No Way to Corruption. Clean Session”. The goal is to promote work on preventing and combating corruption in various spheres of society; provide legal information, knowledge based on anti-corruption legislation; create conditions for students to speak out freely, take into account their views on society, foster respect for the Constitution, cultivate morality, and form a personality that is aware of political life.

08.11.2024. Teacher of the Nursing Department Shokai Ulbosyn Duisenkazykyvna held an event dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the Kazakh singer and composer Baluan Sholak. These events were held in the format of an open conversation with students and an information board about this person. At the same time as the students, Baluan visited the Sholak Sports and Culture Palace. The goal is to honor the memory of the Kazakh folk composer, artist who mastered various types of equestrian sports, an athlete who demonstrated the art of strength, a wrestler who never touched the ground Baluan Sholak, and to glorify his art in front of students. Our main duty is not to erase the name of our grandfather Baluan Sholak with the help of events, one of the brightest personalities of the Kazakh people, whose name alone encourages those who are afraid, brings repentance to those who are afraid.

On November 20, 2024, Senior Lecturer of the Nursing Department R.V. Ivanov held a meeting with first-year bachelor's students majoring in Nursing within the framework of sustainable development on the topic of "Prevention of Religious Extremism Among Young People".

The goal is to develop in students a stable position of rejection of extremist ideology, develop critical thinking in relation to destructive religious movements; provide legal information, knowledge based on legislation aimed at combating extremism; create conditions for students to freely express themselves, take into account their views on the socio-political situation; foster tolerance, respect for human rights, and form a personality that is aware of the importance of social stability and harmony in society.

On November 25, 2024, lecturer of the Nursing Department G.Zh. Bilibaeva held a panel discussion with undergraduate students of the Nursing specialty within the framework of sustainable development on the topic "Al-Farabi as the Aristotle of the East: Philosophy and Heritage"

The purpose of the panel discussion on the topic “Al-Farabi as the Aristotle of the East: Philosophy and Legacy” is to explore the philosophical legacy of Al-Farabi, his ideas and contribution to the development of scientific thought, and to identify parallels between his philosophy and the teachings of Aristotle. This format of the discussion will allow us to delve deeper into the features of the great scientist’s work, discuss the influence of ancient philosophy on the East, and understand the significance of Al-Farabi for the modern world.

The main goals of the panel discussion:

Illumination of the philosophical contribution of Al-Farabi: To reveal his role in the development of philosophy, science and culture, in particular in such areas as logic, ethics, politics and music.

Comparison of the philosophy of Al-Farabi and Aristotle: To analyze the similarities and differences in the teachings of these two great thinkers, to explore how Al-Farabi interpreted and adapted Aristotle’s ideas for the needs of Eastern philosophy.

Identifying the Significance of Al-Farabi's Legacy: Understand how Al-Farabi's philosophy has influenced the development of Islamic thought and science, as well as Western philosophy, through Arabic translations of ancient texts.

The Relevance of Al-Farabi's Philosophy to Modern Times: Discuss how Al-Farabi's ideas can be applied to modern society, particularly in the context of ethics, education, politics, and social justice.

Intercultural Dialogue: Show the importance of intercultural exchange of ideas between East and West, and how Al-Farabi's philosophy served as a bridge between these cultures.