Doctor's degree

Persons with a Master's degree and work experience of at least 9 (nine) months or who have completed residency training in medical specialties.

Availability of a certificate confirming proficiency in the state and foreign languages:

- Kaztest Certificate (NCT);

- English language proficiency:

      International English Language Tests System Academic (International English Language Tests Systems Academic) (IELTS Academic) (AILTS Academic), the threshold score is at least 5.0;

      Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Program Internet-based Test (Test of English as a Foreign Language Institute Testing program Internet basic test) (TOEFL IBT) (TOEFL AIBITY), threshold score – at least 35 points;

      Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Program (Test of English as a Foreign Language Institute testing program) (TOEFL ITP) (TOEFL ITP), threshold score – at least 417;

      TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), the threshold score is at least 550;

      Duolingo English Test (Duolingo English test), the threshold score is at least 80;

   - German language proficiency:

      Deutsche Sprachpruefung fuer den Hochschulzugang Niveau B1 (Deutsche sprachpruefung fuer den Hochschulzugang Niveau B1) (DSH, Niveau B1) (DYSIEICH, niveau B1) - not lower than level B1;

      TestDaF-Prufung Niveau B1 (testdaf-prufung Niveau B1) (TDF Niveau B1) (TYDIEF, niveau B1) - not lower than level B1;

   - proficiency in French:

      Test de Français International (Test de Francais International) (TFI) (TFI) – not lower than level B1 in the reading and listening sections;

      Diplome d'Etudes en Langue français (Diploma détude en Lang française) (DELF) (DELF) - not lower than level B1;

      Diplome Approfondi de Langue français (Diploma of Approfondi de Langue Français) (DALF) (DALF) - not lower than level B1;

      Test de connaissance du français (Test de connaissance du francais) (TCF) (TSF) – not lower than level B1.

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