CT consists of the following tests:
- a foreign language test or a certificate confirming knowledge of a foreign language,
- test on the profile of a group of educational programs,
- test to determine readiness for training.
Persons entering the master's program take a comprehensive test, including a test in a foreign language (English by choice, German, French), a test on the profile of groups of educational programs, a test by choice in Kazakh or Russian to determine their readiness to study.
Persons entering the master's degree in English take a comprehensive test, which includes a test on the profile of groups of educational programs in English and a test in Kazakh or Russian or English of their choice to determine their readiness to study.
Persons entering the master's degree program in groups of educational programs requiring knowledge of Arabic, take an entrance exam in Arabic and a comprehensive test (CT), including a test to determine readiness for training, a test on the profile of groups of educational programs, optionally in Kazakh or Russian.
1) comprehensive testing, including a test in a foreign language (English, German, French, optional), a test in Kazakh or Russian to choose from to determine readiness for learning;
2) two creative exams on the profile of groups of educational programs..
The passing score for admission to the master's program based on the results of comprehensive testing in accordance with the scale of the 100-point assessment system for CT: at least 25 points, including on the test to determine readiness for training-at least 7 points, according to the profile of the group of educational programs: with the choice of one correct answer – at least 7 points, with the choice of one or more correct answers with a choice - at least 7 points.
Comprehensive testing for admission to the master's degree in groups of educational programs that require creative training, and a passing score based on the results of creative exams in the profile of a group of educational programs: at least 50 points, including in a foreign language – at least 25 points, on a test to determine readiness for learning – at least 7 points and on creative exams – each creative exam is at least 7 points. The maximum score for each creative exam is 35 points.
According to the results of the entrance exam in Arabic and CT, the passing score for admission to the master's degree in groups of educational programs requiring knowledge of Arabic: at least 50 points, while in Arabic – at least 25 points, according to the profile of the group of educational programs: with the choice of one correct answer – at least 7 points, with the choice of one or more correct answers - at least 7 points, on the test to determine readiness for training-at least 7 points.
Persons who have scored the highest scores in complex testing and (or) entrance exams and (or) creative exams are accepted for master's degree in accordance with the state educational order on a competitive basis:
1) for scientific and pedagogical and specialized master's degree programs with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction, including groups of educational programs requiring creative training - at least 75 points in accordance with;
2) for a master's degree, which is taught in English – at least 50 points.