Educational program
Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of atomic nucleus and elementary particle physics, who have the skills necessary to solve scientific and technological problems, are able to carry out a critical analysis of the state of modern scientific research in the field of nuclear physics and nuclear engineering; who know how to ensure nuclear and radiation safety, security and control of nuclear materials, the culture of handling nuclear materials and technologies.
ON1 develop annual and calendar plans; plan and conduct laboratory studies in general physics in accordance with the curriculum; organize control over the results of training and education; develop systems of cognitive tasks:
ON2 form professional-practical abilities and skills of teaching physics in secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions using modern computer technologies, interactive teaching methods, and Internet resources;
ON3 carry out measurements in the field of nuclear physics, while showing skills in working with technical documentation of radiometric and spectrometric instruments and original scientific literature to solve technical and technological problems;
ON4 plan dosimetric support according to accepted methods of radiation medical procedures and ensure compliance with radiation and environmental safety;
ON5 mathematical models of physical phenomena and processes based on standard computer-aided design and research packages;
ON6 apply basic sanitary and epidemiological radiation safety standards for both personnel and the public. Experimentally determine alpha, beta and gamma background both indoors and in an open atmosphere.
ON7 calculate the radiation protection of the working premises of the “hot” laboratory and research centers with cyclotron for PET research, rooms with gamma cameras, SPECT and PET scanners, including SPECT / CT and PET / CT scanners, as well as “Active” chambers in the radionuclide therapy unit.
ON8 perform calculations of nuclear reactions and nuclear decays for the fundamental processes of cosmophysics, astrophysics, radioecology, nuclear diagnostics and therapy, radiation genetics;
ON9 methodically competently build thematic curricula and publicly present theoretical and practical sections of physics in accordance with the approved teaching and methodological manuals;
ON10 to organize the cooperation of students, to maintain activity and initiative, the independence of students, to develop their creative abilities;
ON11 manifest to the interdisciplinary practical use of the laws of nuclear physics, general physics, nuclear chemistry, radiation biophysics and ecology;
ON12 сomply with ethical principles in all professional interactions with pupils, colleagues and society as a whole, regardless of ethnic characteristics, culture, gender, economic status.
Bachelor's degree programs
1) Certificate / diploma + applications (original)
2) ID card
3) UNT certificate
4) Certificates confirming benefits and quotas
5) Photo 3x4: 6 pcs.
6) Medical certificate form 063/y
7) Medical certificate in form 075 / y
🎯If the medical certificate, form 0/75 y does not contain evidence of psycho-drug registration data, then please download it on the Egov website
For the future employment of graduates of the program, the key employers in the specialty are:
1. «Institute of Nuclear Physics» ME RK ;
2. NNC: branch "Institute of atomic energy" "Institute of radiation safety and ecology, Kazakh state research and production center for blasting operations";
3. LLP "Physico-Technical Institute";
4. JSC "NCSRT" NSA RK"Astrophysical Institute named after Fesenkov" (AFI);
5. NAC Kazatomprom JSC;
6. “Institute of High Technologies” LLP;
7. LLP "Scientific and Production Association ISOTOPE;
9. «Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and radiology» JSC;
11. «Orhun Medical» Medical Center;
12. LLP "JV Inkai"
13. National nanotechnological laboratory of open type at NJSC "KazNU named after al-Farabi".
14. Scientific Research Experimental and Theoretical Physics (NII ETF) at NAO "KazNU named after al-Farabi"
Dyussebayeva K., EP coordinator.
Almaty, 050040 al-Farabi Ave., 71.
Faculty of Physics and Technology,315.
Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics
tel: 8 (727)377 34 14.