Educational program
Training of highly qualified competitive scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the field of nanotechnology, capable of interpreting and applying scientific theories and concepts of the latest areas of nanotechnology to create safe nanomaterials with a given composition, structure, properties and implementation of their practical application, mastering advanced research methods, ready to make contribution to the development of nanotechnology and nanoscience by solving fundamental and applied problems that contribute to the development of the economy and the formation of modern society
Upon completion of this program, it is expected that doctoral students will be able to:
1. interpret scientific theories of the latest trends in nanotechnology and nanomaterials;
2. develop a complex process of research methods of nanotechnology, production of nanomaterials, the application of nanomaterials, including additive technologies;
3. choose efficient modern equipment, digital technologies, combine methods for the study of the physicochemical processes of nanotechnology;
4. critically analyze and predict the complex of physicochemical properties, stability and safety of nanoobjects and nanomaterials during their obtaining and application;
5. develop non-conventional methods for the synthesis of nanostructured systems in the combustion mode, expanding the scope of existing knowledge;
6. summarize the results of scientific research, scientific and technical information in the field of nanotechnologies and related disciplines for scientific, patent and marketing support of the research, to organize independent preparation of publications in national and international editions;
7. optimize the existing technological methods for the production of nanomaterials based on the evaluation and adjustment of development schemes for successful competition in the market of ideas and technologies;
8. synthesize new ideas of various complexity, the implementation of which will ensure the cost-effective, environmentally and technically safe production of the resulting products;
9. promote technological, social and cultural development in the interests of the formation of society through participation in the development of nanotechnology, production of nanomaterials and nano-objects;
10. contribute to the development of nanotechnology through original research, some aspects of which are reflected in national or international refereed publications;
11. conduct a dialogue in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology with the broad scientific and technical community and society that are equal in status;
12. Introduce modern and innovative (including digital) learning technologies in the education process.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
- Academic writing-2 ECTS
- Scientific Research methods-3 ECTS
- Research Seminar-3 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-3 ECTS
- Self‒Propagating High‒Temperature Synthesis of Nanostructure Materials-5 ECTS
- Modern methods for Obtaining Nanomaterials-5 ECTS
- Priority directions for the development of nanochemistry and nanotechnology-5 ECTS
- Nanomaterials and nanotechnology in 3D printing-5 ECTS
- Physical and Chemical Bases of Reception Carbon Nanomaterials-5 ECTS
- Physical and Chemical properties of Carbon Nanomaterials-5 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- Pedagogical-10 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-11 ECTS
- Research Seminar-2 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-14 ECTS
- Research-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-8 ECTS
- Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-15 ECTS
- Research-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-4 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-8 ECTS
- Scientific Internship-10 ECTS
- Research Seminar-3 ECTS
- Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-2 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Publication of the Main Scientific Results of the Dissertation in Scientific Journals-15 ECTS
- Final Attestation-12 ECTS
LLP «Ин Прометей»,
LLP «Фирма Жайна»,
LLP «Жалын»,
LLP «Институт проблем горения»
LLP «Прометей»,
LLP «АлмаДК»,
LLP «НитроСибирьКазахстан»,
LLP «Казфосфат»
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 1st floor, room № 122.
al-Farabi avenue. 71
Housing the main building 5
Telephone number of the chair: 8(727) 211-15-11