Educational program
The program is aimed at training geobotanists for various fields of economic activity, achieving high quality postgraduate professional and pedagogical education while complying with mandatory requirements for the level of training of doctoral students, stimulating independent educational, research and professional activities of doctoral students
1. ability to organize, plan and implement scientific research characterized by academic integrity; ability to generate new scientific ideas and approaches;
2. the ability to apply the complex of acquired knowledge and skills in the management of geobotanical science, in the promotion of geobotanical programs in legislative, governmental, regional institutions and local self-government bodies, to transfer one's knowledge and achievements to colleagues and the scientific community;
3. the ability to conduct a professional and comprehensive analysis of problems in the relevant field, organize, plan and implement the process of geobotanical research;
4. present scientific concepts for world and Kazakh science in the relevant field, introduce scientific developments into practical activities, develop the personality of a teacher-researcher with a high level of research culture;
5. develop a monitoring program and a comprehensive scientific report on the vegetation of arid countries, the causes and consequences of desertification of arid territories, as well as the main directions for optimizing arid landscapes, methods of combating desertification;
6. developing an idea of the population standard of living, with the current state of plant population biology, basic concepts, concepts and methods of population botany, with the basic methods of obtaining and processing data in plant population biology;
7. Skills in floristic analysis of the region to solve problems of scientific, theoretical and practical work. The ability to compile a floristic outline of regions, determine the floristic features of the region and identify plants.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
Educational programs "7M05112 - Geobotany", "8D05108 - Geobotany" are extremely in demand in various areas of agriculture, ecology and environmental protection, control of protected areas and national parks.
Employment includes work in the following types of work:
- cultivation of crops;
- performance of work on the assessment of the forest pathological state of plantations, monitoring of forests and green spaces using remote sensing data;
- conducting baseline environmental studies, implementation of Pre-OVOS and OVOS projects, audit of various types of economic activities;
- development, coordination, approval and issuance of projects for the land and economic organization of the territory, reclamation of disturbed and development of new lands;
- development and implementation of projects related to the creation and development of specially protected natural areas, hunting farms, objects of historical, cultural and tourist destination;
- carrying out topographic and geodetic, cartographic, soil and other survey and survey works.
Almaty, al-Farabi Ave., 71/19, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, room 527, work phone: +77273773333 (12-12 internal)
Head of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Kurmanbayeva Meruyert Sakenovna
Tel: +77071104439; e-mail:
Lecturer of the Department of Biodiversity and Bioresources Kusmangazinov Adil Bolatovich,
Tel: +77055103787; e-mail: