Educational program
The program is aimed at training of scientific, pedagogical and engineering personnel, able to independently engage in studying and research of thermophysical properties of fluids based on the theory of combustion and heat transfer; knows how to develop new technology for improvement of equipment and methods in the energy sector thermal power stations and to enhance their reliability, environmental safety, and efficiency.
to Analyze the socio-cultural, philosophical, scientific and theoretical foundations of the energy problem and to form new environmentally safe energy paradigms that take into account the direction of the vector of sustainable development of modern civilization.
2. Apply experimental research methods and synthesize information about the processes of convective heat transfer, to solve issues related to the use of new technology.
3. Use 3D modeling methods for aerodynamic calculations of thermal processes that ensure the movement of gases in thermal installations.
4. Carry out numerical experiments to determine the aerodynamic and thermal characteristics of heat and mass transfer processes in the chambers of coal-fired power plants.
5 Solve applied heat transfer problems occurring in installations between gases, materials and structural elements.
6. Analyze theoretical calculation methods for solving convective heat and mass transfer problems in droplet fluids. 7. to Apply numerical methods for the modeling of physico-chemical processes occurring during combustion of pulverized coal.
8. Develop and implement innovative projects for the modernization and reconstruction of existing thermal systems of thermal power plants and CHP in order to improve energy efficiency.
9. Create highly efficient heat supply systems that provide high reliability and environmental friendliness using best practices and best practices of foreign countries.
10. Organize activities using the latest technologies to improve the efficiency of heat supply systems to increase fuel economy and improve the environmental condition of the air basin.
11. to Use modern methods for the optimization of combustion processes and heat transfer on the basis of knowledge about the processes of teplomassoperenosa in the combustion chambers
12. to Evaluate modern scientific achievements and purposefully apply innovative methods to solving the problems of design, research and operation of thermal power and thermal technological installations and systems.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
For the future employment of graduates of the program, the key employers are:
- Tertiary education institutions;
- Research and design of heat and power institutions;
- Territorially energy company;
- AO-Energo, an engineering company;
- Enterprises of large holding companies and associations.
- Kazakhstan electric grid management company "KEGOC" JSC»
- JSC "Samruk-Energo»
- The Ministry of energy
- company Chevron
The educational program is relevant for a particular field of employment research, research and production, energy engineering companies, territorial energy companies, design organizations, enterprises, firms, companies, centers and higher education institutions.
Bolegenova S.A.
Almaty, 050040 al-Farabi Ave., 71.
Faculty of Physics and Technology,317.
Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics 15-43. tel:+7 701 386 9755