Educational program
Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel with deep research and scientific-pedagogical knowledge in the field of integrated solutions of project management tasks from the development of ideas to its commercial realization; the formation of new directions innovation development of businesses; forming internal and external environment conducive to the development of innovations
After completing this program, it is expected that doctoral graduates will be able to:
ON1 Build a methodological toolkit, a concept of scientific research on applied research based on modeling, scientific research, data analysis and processing, and obtaining informed decisions in research work in the innovation management areas;
ON2 Develop the concept of regulation of the international transfer of technologies, development of innovative strategy of the companies, ensuring their cyber security, the problem solution of engineering of knowledge, digital transformation of business models, receiving and producing knowledge in the field of commercialization of results of intellectual activity taking into account national peculiarities;
ON3 Make recommendations about development of the national technologically focused productions on the basis of systematization and interpretation of the main methodological and world outlook problems in the field of innovative management, concepts on formation and implementation of technological policy; modern paradigms about the main internationalization strategy, the competition mechanism in the field of the international transfer of technologies;
ON4 Develop proposals for the intensification of technology transfer, the formation and internationalization of the innovation-based economy in Kazakhstan on the basis of methods of scientific and technological forecasting, patent, market research;
ON5 Make recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the international technology transfer on the basis of quantitative and qualitative methods, the factorial analysis, a critical evaluation of tools of implementation of technological policy of the foreign states;
ON6 Create a scientific work, a project research on applied sciences in the innovation management field through the use of the principles and approaches of scientific research methodology and use of experience of the advanced world technologies;
ON7 Improve of teaching quality and development of an educational and methodical complex in the higher education system throuth use of in-depth knowledge and system approach to knowledge in the technological policy field, innovation strategy, artificial intelligence and cyber security, digital technologies and commercialization of scientific research;
ON8 Make management decisions in business allowing to bring the innovative idea to its practical result due to use of heuristic methods, methods of judgments and scientific and practical approaches with use of modern information technical means, software products;
ON9 Develop innovative business strategy for the companies focused on global demand, development of the new markets and obtaining added value; plans of digital transformation of business from ecosystem approach position; business plans of creation and development of the new organizations; recommendations about the organization of identification process of scientific development of a product or new goods, the creation of the team that manages the commercialization process;
ON10 Develop a strategy, program of the organization for the implementation of technological and product innovation through the use of strategic innovation management tools; according implementation of information security system into the existing structure of the enterprise;
ON11 Conduct expertise of projects for the initiative research and development work and about the launch of innovative products; assessment of the feasibility, scientific level, novelty and originality of the project, and compliance with the level of competence of the project team of scientific and technological complexity of the project;
ON12 Estimate the importance of the received results of a project research in professional formation and in development of a scientific paradigm in the innovative management field; to share the received results of a research with scientific community, to enter dialogue, to defend their point of view
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
Training is planned in the following areas of professional activity:
- research and development;
- research and teaching;
- bodies of state administration;
- business and entrepreneurship;
- expert;
- Mass Communications Systems
Department of Management
Adress of the Department: Al-Farabi avenue, 71. The cabinet of the GAM-3
Location of the Department: 2nd floor, 221 room
Phone of the department: +7 (727) 221-12-48
Cabinet 221, E-mail: