8D04105 Innovation Management
Цель: Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel with deep research and scientific-pedagogical knowledge in the field of integrated solutions of project management tasks from the development of ideas to its commercial realization; the formation of new directions innovation development of businesses; forming internal and external environment conducive to the development of innovations
Предметы на ЕНТ:

Educational program
Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel with deep research and scientific-pedagogical knowledge in the field of integrated solutions of project management tasks from the development of ideas to its commercial realization; the formation of new directions innovation development of businesses; forming internal and external environment conducive to the development of innovationsON 1. Build methodological tools, the concept of scientific research applied research based on modeling, scientific research, data analysis and processing, obtaining informed decisions in research on areas of innovation management;
ON 2. Apply alternative methods of management analysis and forecasting of socio-economic processes based on classical and modern scientific concepts of management analysis, analyze and systematize information for management decision-making;
ON 3. Develop the concept of regulation of international technology transfer, the development of innovative strategies for companies to ensure their cybersecurity solution engineering problems of knowledge, digital transformation of business models, preparation and production of knowledge in the field of commercialization of results of intellectual activity taking into account national circumstances;
ON 4. To develop proposals for the intensification of technology transfer, the formation and internationalization of the innovation-based economy in Kazakhstan on the basis of methods of scientific and technological forecasting, patent, market research;
ON 5. Create a scientific work, project study in applied sciences in the field of innovation management through the use of the principles and approaches of research methodology, using the experience of the advanced world technologies;
ON 6. Develop innovative business strategies for companies focused on global demand, development of new markets and value added; plans digital transformation of the business from the perspective of the ecosystem approach; business plans for the creation and development of new organizations; recommendations on the organization of the identification of scientific developments in the product or a new product, the creation of the team that manages the commercialization process;
ON 7. Develop a strategy, program of the organization for the implementation of technological and product innovation through the use of tools of strategic innovation management; according implementation information security system into the existing structure of the enterprise;
ON 8. Spend examination of projects for the initiative of research and development activities, the launch of innovative products; assess the feasibility and scientific level, novelty and originality of the project and the level of compliance of the project team competence scientific and technological complexity of the project;
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
- Academic writting-2 ECTS
- Scientific Research methods-3 ECTS
- Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries-5 ECTS
- International Technology Transfer Mechanism and Its Regulation-5 ECTS
- Management analysis and forecasting-5 ECTS
- Commercialization of intellectual property-5 ECTS
- Artificial Intelligence in the management system-5 ECTS
- Management of cuber security of an innovative campany-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-3 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-3 ECTS
- Pedagogical-10 ECTS
- Research Seminar-2 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-11 ECTS
- Research-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-8 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-14 ECTS
- Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
- Research-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-4 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-15 ECTS
- Research Seminar-3 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-8 ECTS
- Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
- Scientific Internship-10 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-2 ECTS
- Publication of the Main Scientific Results of the Dissertation in Scientific Journals-15 ECTS
- Final Attestation-12 ECTS
Training is planned in the following areas of professional activity: - research and development; - research and teaching; - bodies of state administration; - business and entrepreneurship; - expert; - Mass Communications Systems
Department of Management Adress of the Department: Al-Farabi avenue, 71. The cabinet of the GAM-3 Location of the Department: 2nd floor, 221 room Phone of the department: +7 (727) 221-12-48 Cabinet 221, E-mail: kafedra222@gmail.com
Documents of EP