7M05207 Meteorology
Цель: Training of competitive meteorologists who are able to interpret and generalize modern problems in the field of meteorology, who have innovative and creative approaches to carry out scientific research and carry out pedagogical activities.
Предметы на ЕНТ: Physical meteorology и Climatology
Educational program
Training of competitive meteorologists who are able to interpret and generalize modern problems in the field of meteorology, who have innovative and creative approaches to carry out scientific research and carry out pedagogical activities.ON1. to explain the manifestations of current climate change in Kazakhstan;
ON2. to apply information technologies to solve climatology problems, analyze and forecast weather and other meteorological areas;
ON3. to improve methods of long-term forecasts based on global and regional climate models in operational practice;
ON4. to conduct risk assessments of weather hazards, adverse meteorological conditions, environmental and socio-economic impacts of climate change;
ON5. to formulate the basics of regional, national and local environmental monitoring and ways to implement environmental monitoring and control systems;
ON6. to develop guidance, regulatory and methodological documents;
ON7. predict regional features of the general atmospheric circulation and characteristics of the types of processes over Kazakhstan and Central Asia;
ON8. to carry out research work on republican programs and international projects in the field of hydrometeorology; carry out educational activities.
Master's degree educational programs
Persons entering the master’s degree or residency:when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education in any form;
2) document on higher education (original);
3) certificate of completion of the internship (for admission to residency);
4) identity document (required for personal identification);
5) six photographs 3x4 centimeters in size;
6) a medical certificate in the f
- History and philosophy of science-3 ECTS
- Pedagogy of Higher education-5 ECTS
- Features of the general circulation of the atmosphere-5 ECTS
- Modern Statistical Methods in Meterology-5 ECTS
- Additional Chapters for Parameterizing Physical Processes-5 ECTS
- Special Chapters of the Statistical Analysis of Atmospheric Processes and Fields-5 ECTS
- Global and Regional Problems of Meteorology-5 ECTS
- Global Atmosphere Monitoring-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-1 ECTS
- Modern digital technologies in meteorology-5 ECTS
- Modern weather forecasting methodology-5 ECTS
- Organization and Planning of Scientific Research-5 ECTS
- Pedagogical-4 ECTS
- Foreign Language (professional)-5 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-2 ECTS
- Psychology of Management-3 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Natural Disaster’s Forecast-5 ECTS
- Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Modeling Geographic Information Systems in Meteorology-5 ECTS
- Physics of the Upper Atmosphere-5 ECTS
- Research-4 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-1 ECTS
- Global Climate and its Changes-5 ECTS
- Cyclo- and anticyclogenesis structure in Northern hemisphere-5 ECTS
- Applied meteorology-5 ECTS
- Modeling of meteorological processes-5 ECTS
- Theory of the General Circulation of the Atmosphere and Climate-5 ECTS
- Climate innovation and sustainable development-5 ECTS
- Research-4 ECTS
- Scientific Internship-3 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-10 ECTS
- Publication in the Proceedings of International Conferences-4 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Final Attestation-8 ECTS
The department forms the personnel potential of competitive meteorologists who meet modern intellectual requirements and the development strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which meet international standards. As a result, the percentage of employment of KazNU graduates is 100%. For the future employment of graduates, the key employers are: 1) RSE "Kazhydromet", 2) RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia", at the airports of Kazakhstan 3) "Institute of Geography and Water Security"; 4) Military forecaster at the military airports of the Armed Forces and the National Security Committee, with the title 5) Leading universities and scientific institutes of Kazakhstan, Also, graduates can work in international organizations of the UN Development Program, the World Bank, the UN, UNESCO, the World Meteorological Organization, in organizations related to satellite monitoring of climate and weather, as well as on television. Specialist meteorologists can work as meteorologists, weather forecasters, agrometeorologists, air pollution specialists, remote sensing specialists (satellite monitoring) and a wide range of weather and climate related specialties.
The address of the department: 71 al-Farabi Ave., Building GUK-6, 229, 231 kab. Phone number of the department: +7 (727) 377-33-30 (16-01, 12-25) Polyakova Svetlana Evgenievna e-mail: svetlana.polyakova@kaznu.edu.kz