Educational program
High-quality training of personnel of the highest qualification of scientific-pedagogical and profile orientation with a high level of professional culture, having practically solve modern scientific and practical problems, teaching in higher educational institutions, successfully carrying out research and management activities. The implementation of the program is aimed at the formation of specialists capable of:
- independently obtain and interpret the knowledge, methods and competencies of modern geodesy in the chosen professional field, including teaching;
- to improve the skills of research work, taking part in scientific discussions, conferences and other events, national and international project studies.
–Interpret paradigms and problems of the theory and methodology of modern geodesy in the development of curricula and disciplines in teaching;
- to confirm the quality level of training and the basic documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan on awarding the academic degree of “PhD” in the international educational space and in the international labor market.
- apply telecommunication and global satellite positioning systems in geographic information systems, aerospace and geodetic works, monitoring;
- develop methods for conducting technical control, quality management of topographic-geodetic, aerospace photogrammetric products;
- develop projects for the production of topographic and geodetic works related to remote sensing of territories during engineering surveys;
- determine the parameters of the gravitational field of the Earth and evaluate the effects of variations in the gravitational field on the parameters of the deformations of the Earth's crust
- to develop scientific geodesic ideas and projects, regulate their implementation and implementation of research results for solving scientific and production needs of science and society;
- demonstrate knowledge of information sources and understanding of the modern scientific paradigm in the field of geodesy, the dynamics of their development, to determine and build a system of methodological principles and methods of geodetic research.
- develop and implement research and development trends in the production of scientific knowledge in the field of geodesy, geodynamics.
- to develop technical conditions in studies on the manufacture of geodetic instruments and systems for geodesy and remote sensing:
- to adapt topographic and geodesic materials using GIS-technologies for the study of the natural-resource potential of the country, regions and areas for the purposes of environmental management and environmental planning.
- to organize the research process of working with the measuring spatial information about the Earth’s surface, its subsoil, objects and bodies of outer space and to apply this knowledge in the complex analysis;
- analyze and systematize the global features of thematic maps design using navigation systems for the development of domestic geodesic science and production;
- analizirovat' izmeritel'nuyu prostranstvennuyu informatsiyu o poverkhnosti Zemli, yeye nedrakh, ob"yektakh i telakh kosmicheskogo prostranstva dlya geodezicheskogo proyektirovaniya;
- reshat' geodezicheskimi metodami nauchnyye i prikladnyye proizvodstvennyye zadachi dlya tseley regional'nogo upravleniya i realizatsii khozyaystvennykh problem;
- ob"yasnyat' razvitiye otechestvennoy geodezii v svyazi s globalizatsiyey nauchnykh issledovaniy i geoinformatsionnykh sistem dlya povysheniya roli i znacheniya natsional'nykh geodezicheskikh proyektov i programm.
- analyze measuring spatial information about the Earth’s surface, its subsoil, objects and bodies of outer space for geodetic design;
- solve geodetic methods of scientific and applied production problems for the purposes of regional management and the implementation of economic problems;
- explain the development of domestic geodesy in connection with the globalization of scientific research and geographic information systems to enhance the role and importance of national geodetic projects and programs.
- analyze and conduct research, design activities in the performance of geodetic works.
- to structure and compile a common database of information sources on any problems and areas of geodetic modeling in order to enhance the professionalism of highly qualified surveyors;
- analyze the research geodetic information for their use in scientific and industrial processes.
- evaluate the validity of the techniques and adapt the application software to solve complex geodetic tasks;
- to formulate scientific goals and objectives, as well as to conduct scientific and technical examinations of new methods of topographic and geodetic works and technical documentation;
- develop a monitoring program for environmental monitoring based on topographic-geodetic, cartographic materials, remote sensing and GIS technologies to improve the effectiveness of environmental programs;
- to integrate holistic knowledge, reflecting the current level of automated systems for collecting and processing remote sensing data to enhance the systems approach in research and production.
- to carry out the development of topographic, geodesic and cartographic materials using GIS technologies for the study of the natural resource potential of individual regions, regions and countries, in order to implement environmental management;
- integrate interdisciplinary knowledge and create projects based on the terms of reference in the field of geodesy in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation;
- present the analysis strategy, argue the system of geodesic results and indicators to ensure the competitiveness of cartographic and geodesic production;
- demonstrate systemic understanding in the field of studying and solving problems of design innovation topographic and geodetic mapping to enhance the role of remote sensing in modern geodesy;
- implement a comprehensive geodetic monitoring program for environmental monitoring based on topographic-geodetic, cartographic materials, remote sensing and GIS technologies.
- to analyze the theory of relativity and the general principles of the implementation of space-time transformations for solving astronomic-geodesic tasks.
- create and update topographic and thematic maps based on the results of decoding video information, air, space and ground images (photos) using photogrammetric methods;
- create digital terrain models;
- to systematize the knowledge and methods of information technology to solve scientific and applied problems of geodesy, including new areas of social and public spheres;
- to lead geodetic projects for the development and implementation of programs to solve environmental and economic problems of resource conservation at the local, regional and national levels;
- develop a comprehensive program of scientific research for the creation of geodesic works in a historically changing socio-cultural context.
- To prepare, organize and manage engineering and geodetic works in field and office conditions.
- to study and develop new methods and areas of geodesic research to increase the effectiveness of research and development of professional activities;
- assess the development of domestic geodesy in the light of the globalization of scientific research and geographic information systems for the development of productive areas of its development;
- create, on the basis of geodetic information, scientific reviews on the problems of the state and development of the theory and methodology of domestic and world geodesy for the development of scientific and curricula of core activities in higher education.
- develop and evaluate the environmental monitoring program based on topographic-geodetic, gravimetric and cartographic materials, remote sensing data and GIS technologies for environmental monitoring.
- to solve the problems of spatial geodesy using satellite methods for creating high-precision geodetic networks.
- generate new ideas and directions for the introduction and use of modern geodetic research methods in interdisciplinary areas to deepen interdisciplinary relations with various scientific and industrial organizations;
- find methodological and technological solutions to a scientific problem in new and unfamiliar contexts for integrating geodesy into the interdisciplinary field of scientific production;
- to give an objective assessment of the methodical apparatus used spatial visualization, to increase the level of the results of scientific and applied research
- apply methods for observing the orbits of artificial Earth satellites (AES) from gravity anomalies, which allow to obtain a standard Earth model and an averaged, smoothed field of anomalies;
- create on the territory of settlements and industrial facilities geodetic thickening networks;
- To determine the spatial position and shapes of objects of the surrounding world in geodetic systems of coordinates on the basis of geodetic methods.
- demonstrate a systematic understanding of the tasks, problems and research methods of the geodesic industries to deepen scientific integration.
- develop an analysis strategy, argue a system of indicators for developing and implementing an organization’s strategy aimed at ensuring competitiveness;
- be ready to participate in the development and implementation of resource saving programs at enterprises;
- determine the most effective areas of application of their abilities, have the ability to interact with colleagues, the academic community and society as a whole.
- to promote the development of technological, social and cultural progress in the scientific and professional sphere.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
The requirements for applicants are reflected in the Rules of Admission to study at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Training of personnel in the specialty "Geodesy" is carried out for the following areas of professional activity:
public administration bodies;
agricultural industry.
Employment - 100%.
Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050040, al-Farabi Avenue, 71, Campus of KazNU, Main educational building No. 6 (MEB 6), room: 315, 313, 303, 112.
Contacts: 7(727)3773333, 7(727)3773330; internal numbers: 1274; 1349; 1224; 1481