8D11101 Tourism
Цель: The purpose of the educational program. Training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of: interpreting the scientific foundations of modern tourism; systematizing and interpreting scientific theories and concepts of the latest trends in the modern tourism industry in order to further apply this knowledge in the implementation of scientific research; to carry out independent scientific research based on the material adequate to the object of research, the choice of methodology with a projection on the development of promising areas tourism industry; to evaluate and determine the significance of a particular product of one's own and other scientific activities; to present and defend one's own scientific opinion in the course of scientific discussions, including in a foreign language; to carry out scientific and pedagogical activities in higher education; to manage tourism industry organizations based on modern principles, methods and management functions.
Предметы на ЕНТ:

Educational program
The purpose of the educational program. Training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of: interpreting the scientific foundations of modern tourism; systematizing and interpreting scientific theories and concepts of the latest trends in the modern tourism industry in order to further apply this knowledge in the implementation of scientific research; to carry out independent scientific research based on the material adequate to the object of research, the choice of methodology with a projection on the development of promising areas tourism industry; to evaluate and determine the significance of a particular product of one's own and other scientific activities; to present and defend one's own scientific opinion in the course of scientific discussions, including in a foreign language; to carry out scientific and pedagogical activities in higher education; to manage tourism industry organizations based on modern principles, methods and management functions.Upon completion of this program, it is expected that undergraduates will be able to
1) Develops innovative, new, creative scientific theoretical, methodological, pedagogical, practical solutions in the field of tourism based on a deep understanding and objective analysis of its scientific foundations and practical experience.
2) Performs scientific developments in the field of tourism on the basis of masterly mastery of algorithms and research tools on an initiative or in scientific and scientific production institutions, including the field of higher education;
3) Develops state tourism programs;
creates strategic, tactical, operational documents, regulations, guidelines for tourism, taking into account the development of capital markets, comprehensive analysis and structuring of the problems of the modern tourism industry.
4) creates scientific concepts and approaches to the formation and development of the modern tourism industry, interpret quantitative indicators of the dynamics of tourism development, including using BigDates, using the results at the planning stages, direct research,
generalization of results and conclusions;
5) Independently performs educational, instructional and other pedagogical developments for the training of specialized specialists and the organization of extracurricular work at the university with the development of innovative and proprietary educational technologies and techniques.
6) Conducts expert assessment and consulting in the professional tourism field for scientific research, pedagogical and socio-cultural projects, diagnostics of problems and development of their targeted solutions for tourism enterprises.
7) Develops and applies quantitative (including mathematical and statistical), qualitative, cartographic (using the latest GIS technologies, remote sensing) research methods to solve a wide range of tasks in the professional tourism field.
8) Interprets experimental material with the presentation of results in the form of a scientific monograph, thesis, scientific report, article, abstract, business correspondence with the presentation of innovative ideas and reasoned opinions for a professional audience and non-specialists.
9) Predicts consumer preferences, models pricing and taxation mechanisms, creates technological, information support, tools to support and develop the tourism business.
10) Organizes and effectively coordinates practical, managerial activities in the field of tourism with highly effective management tasks.
11) Performs quantitative, financial, resource and other calculations based on an original combination, innovative a set of operational methods and tools or an author's approach for designing popular tourist produc12) Conducts civilized scientific and professional discussions, publishes scientific, pedagogical, popular works of a professional nature in domestic and foreign publications, including in an advanced foreign languagets, territories, and tourism development.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
- Academic writing-2 ECTS
- Design of Applied Scientific Research (in English)-5 ECTS
- GIS-technologies in the Territorial Organization of Tourism-5 ECTS
- Modern Didactic Problems of Tourism Education-5 ECTS
- Systematic Analysis and Modeling in Tourism-5 ECTS
- Capital Markets Research-5 ECTS
- State management of tourism: foreign and domestic experience-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-3 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-3 ECTS
- Scientific Research methods-3 ECTS
- Pedagogical-10 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-11 ECTS
- Research Seminar-2 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-14 ECTS
- Research-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-8 ECTS
- Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-15 ECTS
- Research-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-4 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-8 ECTS
- Scientific Internship-10 ECTS
- Research Seminar-3 ECTS
- Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-2 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Publication of the Main Scientific Results of the Dissertation in Scientific Journals-15 ECTS
- Final Attestation-12 ECTS
Leading Researcher- research institute or center; LR / head of the scientific division of protected areas of republican significance; Leading Researcher of the department for designing recreational and / or tourist facilities and territories of the design organization; chief designer or head of the department of regional or city excursion, event, animation and marketing and advertising programs; head or chief methodologist of excursion, event, animation and marketing-advertising programs; head or chief methodologist of a tourist-excursion or event center of a city or regional level; University professor; methodologist of the EP of secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate specialized education; head or chief methodologist of a public or private center for specialized additional education, advanced training and retraining of personnel; chief expert or head of a subdivision of an expert organization or a consulting center or a center of expertise; chief expert or head of the logistics specialized information center; head of a division or head of a branch of an international specialized organization; head of a subdivision of relevant state departments, institutions and organizations; head of a division or head of a public or non-profit organization; head of a division or branch of an international network business enterprise; head of a division or head of a commercial enterprise of medium or large business. Employment - 100%. Getting a PhD.
Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050040, al-Farabi Avenue, 71, Campus of KazNU, Main educational building No. 6 (MEB 6), room: 211, 228, 230. Contacts: 7(727)3773333, 7(727)3773330; internal numbers: 1404; 1228; 1484 E-mail: rgit.kaznu@gmail.com
Documents of EP