8D03106 Regional Studies
Цель: High-quality training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of innovation, possessing professional knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies that allow them to carry out effective research, teaching and administrative activities in accordance with the requirements of the domestic and international labor market and employers
Предметы на ЕНТ:

Educational program
High-quality training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of innovation, possessing professional knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies that allow them to carry out effective research, teaching and administrative activities in accordance with the requirements of the domestic and international labor market and employers1 to possess systemic ideas and understanding of the specifics of the scientific direction and methodology of the social and humanities in research and analysis of regional and international processes for carrying out research activities on problems of IR and regional studies;
2 critically comprehend modern scientific research and development in the field of “Regional Studies”, identifying specific approaches to the analysis of political processes in various national schools, actively participating in scientific discussions on current scientific issues and conducting research in interdisciplinary fields;
3 assess potential and real security threats and conflict potential at the global, regional and national levels, identify security mechanisms, work with national and international databases;
4 to develop and conduct research based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of humanities and social sciences to identify the influence of external regional factors on the internal political processes of the state;
5 independently carry out scientific analysis, collection, storage, processing of available information, using modern information and communication technologies in research activities, take part in the implementation of research work;
6 demonstrate the scientific results of the dissertation research for discussion with the scientific community in the format of publications in rating journals of the Thomson-Reuters or Scopus international databases, as well as in national and international publications and conference proceedings;
7 readiness to compile and formalize the results of research activities at a high professional level in the form of scientific reports, reviews, projects, reports and articles;
8 readiness to teach basic academic courses in the university education system, taking into account the specifics of the specialty “Regional Studies”, to establish collaboration with internal and external scientific schools/centers for the practical implementation of research results.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
- Academic writing-2 ECTS
- Scientific Research methods-3 ECTS
- Dynamics of Geopolitical Processes in Central Asia-5 ECTS
- Analysis of the Dynamics of Integration Processes in the Eurasian Region-5 ECTS
- Methodology of Scientific Research of International and Regional Processes-5 ECTS
- Institutionalization of contemporary problems of regions-5 ECTS
- Scenario-oriented approach to the study of regional security problems in Central Asia-5 ECTS
- New Dimensions of Regional Security-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-3 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-3 ECTS
- Pedagogical-10 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-11 ECTS
- Research Seminar-2 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-14 ECTS
- Research-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-8 ECTS
- Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-15 ECTS
- Research-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-4 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-8 ECTS
- Scientific Internship-10 ECTS
- Research Seminar-3 ECTS
- Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
- Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
- The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-2 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Publication of the Main Scientific Results of the Dissertation in Scientific Journals-15 ECTS
- Final Attestation-12 ECTS
For the future employment of program graduates, the key employers in the specialty "8D03106 - Regional Studies" are: - public authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other departments involved in the development and implementation of the country's foreign policy), - representative offices of international organizations (UN, UNESCO, OSCE, OIC, SCO, CSTO, etc.) - bodies of legislative and executive power of the republic and in particular in the apparatus of the Parliament, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan; - can work as analysts, specialists in international affairs, managers at various levels, researchers, observers in analytical and research centers
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Karasai batyr str., bldg. 95A, office 208. PO box: 050040. Contact number: +7(727)-377-33-33, extension 17-78. Web page: https://www.kaznu.kz/ru/6142/page/
Documents of EP