7M02220 Ethnology and Anthropology
Цель: To provide professional training for undergraduates who are able to competently solve complex problems caused by multiculturalism and ethnosocial diversity of the modern world community, who possess modern methods of data collection and analysis, who are able to combine them in practical work with basic theoretical knowledge in various fields (anthropology, ethnology, sociology, economics, political science, law, etc.) obtained by them, including at the previous stages of training.
Предметы на ЕНТ: Ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan и Basics of Archeology

Educational program
To provide professional training for undergraduates who are able to competently solve complex problems caused by multiculturalism and ethnosocial diversity of the modern world community, who possess modern methods of data collection and analysis, who are able to combine them in practical work with basic theoretical knowledge in various fields (anthropology, ethnology, sociology, economics, political science, law, etc.) obtained by them, including at the previous stages of training.1. Possession of a wide erudition in the field of general scientific knowledge about a person and his social systems, as well as the ability to deeply understand the development processes of the social, humanities.
2.It is capable of improving knowledge and expanding the base of modern methodological principles and methodological techniques of historical, ethnological, cultural and socio-cultural studies.
3. Willingness to realize the importance of the role of their profession in society and its educational functions, willingness to participate in the scientific information coverage of the history and culture of the peoples of the world, their ethno-national traditions, popularize anthropological and ethnological knowledge.
4. Conduct field ethnological research using sociological and mathematical methods, process personal data and questionnaires, organize data, use audio-video, photo materials, as well as collect materials in archives, museums and libraries.
5. To carry out expertise for cultural centers on ethnic and ethnocultural issues, preserve historical and cultural values on the basis of comparative analysis, an interdisciplinary and systematic approach, historical and social methods using IT technology.
6. Willingness to organize projects aimed at countering nationalism, xenophobia and extremism, protecting the rights of national minorities, preserving their cultural heritage, as well as finding effective ways to resolve ethnopolitical, ethno-confessional social conflicts.
7. Develop strategic development programs in research, cultural institutions, departments of the department of culture with the aim of conducting scientific seminars, conferences, round tables, discussion clubs.
8. Conduct classes, conduct courses on theoretical and applied aspects of ethnology and anthropology using IT technology; to develop training and educational programs, guidelines, evaluative tools, conduct the educational process in museum institutions.
9. Able to carry out historical, cultural and historical-local history functions in the activities of organizations and institutions (laboratories, museums, etc.), including the selection and organization of exhibitions in the museum space.
10. To disseminate through the media, including electronic, film and television, truthful information about peoples, ethnic and cultural traditions.
11. To advise state and municipal, museum, educational institutions, travel companies in the preservation, popularization and presentation of events of the historical past from the point of view of the tasks of forming the national identity of the nation.
12. Willingness to lead a team in the field of their professional activity, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences.
Master's degree educational programs
Persons entering the master’s degree or residency:when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education in any form;
2) document on higher education (original);
3) certificate of completion of the internship (for admission to residency);
4) identity document (required for personal identification);
5) six photographs 3x4 centimeters in size;
6) a medical certificate in the f
- Foreign Language (professional)-5 ECTS
- Psychology of Management-3 ECTS
- History of domestic ethnological science-5 ECTS
- Problems and methods of applied anthropology-5 ECTS
- Monument studies: theory and practice-5 ECTS
- Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)-5 ECTS
- Ethnicand Ethno-cultural Processesin Modern Kazakhstan-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-1 ECTS
- Theoretical and methodological problems of sociocultural anthropology-5 ECTS
- Pedagogical-4 ECTS
- History and Philosophy of Science-3 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-2 ECTS
- Pedagogy of Higher education-5 ECTS
- Ethnography and folklore: theory of historical and comparative studies-5 ECTS
- Nomadism: Theory and History of Study-5 ECTS
- Ethnic migrations and diasporas-5 ECTS
- Anthropology of Religion-5 ECTS
- Sign systems of culture: ritual-religious and semiotic systems-5 ECTS
- Theoretical problems of traditional culture and modernizations-5 ECTS
- Anthropology psychology-5 ECTS
- Theory and methodology of studying gender aspects of ethnicity-5 ECTS
- The concepts of conservation, restoration, presentation and representation of cultural monuments-5 ECTS
- Theoretical and methodological problems of ethnopolitics-5 ECTS
- Ethnic conflictology-5 ECTS
- Historical anthropology of the family and marriage of Kazakhs-5 ECTS
- Research-4 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-1 ECTS
- Scientific Internship-3 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-10 ECTS
- Publication in the Proceedings of International Conferences-4 ECTS
- Final Attestation-8 ECTS
- Research-4 ECTS
The main employers in the specialty for the future employment of graduates of the program: 1. Museums of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2. Assembly of People of Kazakhstan; 3. akimats; 4. departments of culture; 5. art institutes; 6. organizations engaged in analytical activities and forecasting; 7. Public administration; 8. organizations engaged in expert activities; 9. research institutes; 10. universities.
Coordinator: Egizbayeva M.K. Work phone number: +77273773030 (12-85) Cell phone: +77013859895
Documents of EP