Цель: Подготовка высококвалифицированных, конкурентоспособных на международном рынке труда научных кадров в области нейронауки, обладающих универсальными и предметно–специализированными компетенциями, отвечающими запросам глобального рынка труда, осуществляющих научно-исследовательскую, практическую, экспертно-аналитическую деятельность в интегративной нейронауке, разработки и безопасности нейротехнологий в сферах науки, экономики, здравоохранения, национальной безопасности и образования на основе современной методологии междисциплинарного подхода; способных организовывать оригинальные исследования, вносящие значимый вклад в развитие мировой нейронауки, интегрироваться в международное научное сообщество, несущих морально-этическую ответственность за научные исследования, содействующих технологическому прогрессу и социально-культурному развитию общества.
The purpose of the educational program
To train highly qualified, competitive scientific personnel on the international labor market in the field of neuroscience, possessing universal and subject-specialized competencies that meet the demands of the global labor market, carrying out research, practical, expert-analytical activities in integrative neuroscience, development and safety of neurotechnologies in the fields of science, economics, health care, state security and education based on the modern methodology of an interdisciplinary approach; capable of organizing original research, making a significant contribution to the development of the world neuroscience, integrating into the international scientific community bearing moral and ethical responsibility for scientific research, contributing to technological progress and socio-cultural development of society.
Предметы на ЕНТ:
Educational program
Подготовка высококвалифицированных, конкурентоспособных на международном рынке труда научных кадров в области нейронауки, обладающих универсальными и предметно–специализированными компетенциями, отвечающими запросам глобального рынка труда, осуществляющих научно-исследовательскую, практическую, экспертно-аналитическую деятельность в интегративной нейронауке, разработки и безопасности нейротехнологий в сферах науки, экономики, здравоохранения, национальной безопасности и образования на основе современной методологии междисциплинарного подхода; способных организовывать оригинальные исследования, вносящие значимый вклад в развитие мировой нейронауки, интегрироваться в международное научное сообщество, несущих морально-этическую ответственность за научные исследования, содействующих технологическому прогрессу и социально-культурному развитию общества.
The purpose of the educational program
To train highly qualified, competitive scientific personnel on the international labor market in the field of neuroscience, possessing universal and subject-specialized competencies that meet the demands of the global labor market, carrying out research, practical, expert-analytical activities in integrative neuroscience, development and safety of neurotechnologies in the fields of science, economics, health care, state security and education based on the modern methodology of an interdisciplinary approach; capable of organizing original research, making a significant contribution to the development of the world neuroscience, integrating into the international scientific community bearing moral and ethical responsibility for scientific research, contributing to technological progress and socio-cultural development of society.
ON1. Evaluate scientific concepts and methodologies of experimentation in neuroscience in order to form new topical scientific studies in accordance with the ethical norms of conducting scientific research with human resources and living objects;
ON2. Generalize the experience of ongoing world scientific projects in the field of neuroscience with the aim of implementing and adapting research methods into the proper scientific projects in local conditions;
ON3. Implement their own original scientific and scientific-practical projects in the international scientific market with the involvement of international funds through the submission of grant applications;
ON4. Predict the socio-economic consequences and results of scientific research in neuroscience and be responsible for them by adhering to international ethical standards in conducting research;
ON5. Develop patentable neurotechnologies with the potential to acquire intellectual property copyrights;
ON6. Organize and conduct an examination of the validity and safety of innovative developments and technologies in the field of neuroscience used in various spheres of human social life;
ON7. Solve applied issues in the field of health care, education, the socio-economic sphere and state security based on the principles of integrative neuroscience;
ON8. Implement modern achievements of neuroscience into educational programs, integrated courses, digital educational resources by using modern and innovative digital learning technologies in order to increase the effectiveness of training for various target groups;
ON9. Develop valid reliable neurotechnologies aimed at solving tasks of educational environment’s modernization and digitalization, optimizing work activity in various spheres of life;
ON10. Demonstrate publishing activity in highly ranked scientific journals and publications in the field of neuroscience and the ability to review scientific articles in accordance with international standards;
ON11. Establish and maintain a constructive relationship with the international scientific community in order to implement a fruitful exchange of advances in neuroscience;
ON12. Commercialize scientific ideas and achievements in neuroscience, attracting interested consumers from various sectors of the economy and business.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Persons entering doctoral studies (PhD) submit the following package of documents:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education (in any form);
2) a document on education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
3) identity document (required for personal identification);
4) official certificate of passing the state language exam (KAZTEST) issu
Brain signals processing-5 ECTS
Developmental neuroscience and brain plasticity-5 ECTS
Methods of artificial intelligence in neuroscience-5 ECTS
Molecular and cellular neuroscience-5 ECTS
Neuroscience-5 ECTS
Consciousness theories: from philosophy to neurocybernetics-5 ECTS
Neural plasticity, learning and memory-5 ECTS
Behavioral neuroscience-5 ECTS
Connectivity and Big DATA-5 ECTS
Neuropathology-5 ECTS
Human-computer interaction-5 ECTS
Brain and aging-5 ECTS
Academic writing-2 ECTS
Methods of scientific researches-3 ECTS
Research Seminar-3 ECTS
The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-3 ECTS
The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-11 ECTS
Research Seminar-2 ECTS
Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
Pedagogical-10 ECTS
Research Seminar-8 ECTS
Research-5 ECTS
Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-14 ECTS
The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-15 ECTS
Research Seminar-4 ECTS
Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
Research-5 ECTS
Graduate Seminar-6 ECTS
Participation in International Scientific Conferences-3 ECTS
Scientific Internship-10 ECTS
Research Seminar-3 ECTS
The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-8 ECTS
The Implementation of a Doctoral Thesis-2 ECTS
Research Seminar-1 ECTS
Publication of the Main Scientific Results of the Dissertation in Scientific Journals-15 ECTS
Final Attestation-12 ECTS
Republican Center for Mental Health, Institute of Human and Animal Physiology, National Center for Neurosurgery, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry named after M.A.Aitkhozhina, MPK-Clinic, Research Institute of Oncology and Radiolog
Kustubayeva Almira Melsovna
Head of the Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience, Candidate of Biological Sciences, professor
Email: almira.Kustubaeva@kaznu.kz
8 (727) 377-33-33 Int.16-68