Educational program
Formation of highly qualified specialists with in-depth knowledge of heat engineering processes and topical issues and problems of the modern heat power industry, with skills and abilities necessary for organizing and conducting scientific and practical research in the field of thermal power engineering and heat technology; able to carry out computer modeling of technological processes and offer recommendations for their optimization; capable of implementing educational programs in the field of professional activity using innovative methods of teaching and upbringing
Integrate physical and technical knowledge to solve complex thermal power issues and formulate judgments based on incomplete or limited information.
Critically evaluate and interpret the latest achievements of theory and practice in the field of traditional and alternative heat power engineering.
Analyze the existing problems of enterprises in the heat and power industry and ways to solve these problems.
Develop physical and mathematical models of energy processes and systems and carry out a comprehensive study on their basis.
Competently use modern information and communication technologies and methods of computer modeling in all spheres of their life and work, in particular, for professional purposes.
Navigate in complex methods of studying fast physical and chemical processes, as well as to calculate the basic thermodynamic states in stationary gas-dynamic complex chemical systems.
Describe the thermodynamics of complex processes and systems, as well as calculate the physical characteristics of nonequilibrium systems.
To carry out calculations of the parameters of energy systems to ensure the reliability and safety of heating installations and to increase the efficiency of energy use.
Analyze various methods of conducting scientific and applied work, formulate and substantiate the research topic, apply professional and practical skills in scientific and pedagogical activities.
Analyze scientific and technical information, own domestic and foreign experience on the research topic.
Independently organize and conduct research and development projects in accordance with existing ethical standards.
Systematize the results of research activities and submit them in writing in the form of reports, abstracts, articles, master's thesis and take part in their discussion.
Master's degree educational programs
Persons entering the master’s degree or residency:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education in any form;
2) document on higher education (original);
3) certificate of completion of the internship (for admission to residency);
4) identity document (required for personal identification);
5) six photographs 3x4 centimeters in size;
6) a medical certificate in the f
For the future employment of graduates of the program, key employers in the specialty "7M071700 – Thermal Power Engineering" are research institutes, universities and other educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the following organizations:
1. Joint Stock Company "National Atomic Company "Kazatomprom";
2. JSC "Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Energy named after academician Sh.Ch. Chokin";
3. Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics;
4. NTO "Plasmatechnica";
5. Institute of Combustion Problems;
6. LLP Almaty thermal networks;
7. GKP "Teplokommunenergo";
8. JSC "Atyrau CHP";
9. CHPP-2 JSC "АlES".
The educational program is relevant for a specific area of employment in the heat and power industry in the following areas
1. Technological installations for the production, distribution and use of heat;
2. Steam and hot water boilers for various purposes, steam generators of nuclear power plants;
3. Steam and gas turbines, power units;
4. Installations for the production of compressed and liquefied gases, compressor, refrigeration and cryogenic plants, air conditioning systems, heat pumps;
5. Installations, systems and complexes of high-temperature and thermo-moisture technology, chemical reactors;
6. The auxiliary heat engineering equipment, heat and mass transfer devices for various purposes;
7. Heat networks;
8. Installation of air-conditioning coolants and working bodies;
9. Process fluids, gases and vapours;
10. Melts, solids and bulk bodies as as heat-carriers and working bodies of power and technological installations, fuel and oils;
11. Thermal and technological complexes of industrial production;
12. Installations, systems and complexes for the preparation and use of water of standardized quality;
13. Technological installations for the preparation and use of water at thermal and nuclear power plants; equipment for pretreatment, ion-exchange and membrane installations, technological installations for the preparation and use of water of thermal networks;
14. Circulating water supply systems;
15. Installations, systems and complexes of sewage treatment; installations, systems and complexes for the preparation and use of water for the food industry;
16. Technological equipment for the preparation and use of water evaporating and steam conversion plants;
17. Regulatory and technical documentation and standardization systems, methods and means of testing equipment and quality control of products sold;
18. Ways and means to ensure the efficient use of energy and resources conservation and environmental protection in the implementation of heat and power processes;
Means of management and automation of heat and power facilities and systems.
Bolegenova S.A.
Almaty, 050040 al-Farabi Ave., 71.
Faculty of Physics and Technology,317.
Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics 15-43. tel:+7 701 386 9755