Educational program
High-quality training of professional personnel able to integrate knowledge about the development of media communication systems of the country, the region for making professional decisions, as well as use the best foreign theories of media communication in their practice.
Формируется матрица соотнесения результатов обучения по образовательной программе с формируемыми компетенциями (приложение 2.1)
По завершении данной ОП ожидается, что магистры будут способны:
1.create a universal model of the communication process using the theory and concept of communication;
2. to identify the specifics of the interaction of media communications with public administration systems and to provide communication support for the foreign policy activities of state structures;
3. track trends in the development of domestic and foreign media markets and use these trends in professional activities;
4. use technical and creative skills when creating digital products based on knowledge of the specifics of modern broadcast technologies
• 5. using the tools of the interactive content industry (Internet portals, databases of video, audio content, software products), create a multimedia product;
• 6. relying on the latest communication technologies, ethics and laws of psychology, using various types of communication, coordinate the work of different divisions of the media company;
7. explore and describe media phenomena using the language and apparatus of the social, humanities, and economic sciences, and apply various methods to analyze media companies and projects;
8. analyze the linguistic features of mass media texts, interactive methods of creative communication activities that are used in the media discourse when creating media and communication products;
9. identify the main components, parameters, and specifics of strategic communications in relation to traditional forms of communication activities; analyze the evolution of communication models on the basis of which communication strategies are developed;
10. develop a marketing strategy, evaluate its effectiveness, implement online promotion, taking into account consumer needs, the current situation in the industry and the competitive position in the market segment;
11. identify the specifics of working in the direction of corporate and brand communications; build effective work with media managers and understand how the media business affects the business of the corporation and / or brand;
12. form a team, develop a calendar plan with it, the cost of the project and effectively implement it, adapting it to specific realities.
Master's degree educational programs
Persons entering the master’s degree or residency:
when applying to organizations of university and postgraduate education:
1) an application addressed to the head of the organization of higher and postgraduate education in any form;
2) document on higher education (original);
3) certificate of completion of the internship (for admission to residency);
4) identity document (required for personal identification);
5) six photographs 3x4 centimeters in size;
6) a medical certificate in the f
1. Research public and private organizations that are engaged in media research.
2. Higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, countries of near and far abroad, in which departments, faculties, departments of journalism, media communications function.
3. Large media holdings of Kazakhstan: Khabar, Nur-Media, Region Media, etc.
4. Information agencies of Kazakhstan: Kazinform, KazTAG, Internews-Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Today, Tengry News, etc.
5. Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6. International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz";
7. NGO "Club of chief editors";
8. National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters of Kazakhstan (NAT), uniting 58 television and radio companies of the country;
9. Representation of the International organization Internews Network in Kazakhstan. Providing support to independent media.
10. UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
The educational program is relevant for the following areas of employment: media communication and research structures of commercial and social orientation, all spheres of society, processes of economic, political, organizational and social life of society, problems of the functioning and development of the state, and other issues.
Professor Gulmira Serikbayevna Sultanbayeva,
Head of the Department of Press and Electronic Media of the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi
Kazakh National University tel.: +77272211492, mob.: +77073777049