7M02325 Philological Expertise
Цель: Training of professionally high-quality, competent and competitive expert philologists in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market in the field of philological forensic expertise, as well as with the right to teach the basics of philological expertise in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.
Предметы на ЕНТ:

Educational program
Training of professionally high-quality, competent and competitive expert philologists in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market in the field of philological forensic expertise, as well as with the right to teach the basics of philological expertise in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.1 ON – Realizes professional activities in the process of philological expertise of controversial texts based on the development of philosophical and logical thinking, legal consciousness and legal culture.
2 ON – Distinguishes the rights and obligations of the subjects of the court, the criteria for evaluating the opinion of a specialist and an expert, the scientific results of the implementation of interdisciplinary research projects of language, law, psychology.
3 ON – Differentiates linguistic and legal problems of draft laws, regulations, texts of the legal field, advertising products, trademarks in accordance with the norms of the literary language.
4 ON – Formulates proposals to improve the quality of legal documents, taking into account the structuring technology and typological features of journalistic and legal texts.
5 ON – Applies the concepts of the scientific paradigm of theoretical and applied linguistics, methodological principles and methodological approaches of linguistic research in resolving disputes over conflicting texts.
6 ON – Organizes training in the basics of philological expertise in linguistic conflictology and the theory and methodology of speech acts as a specialist in general and professional competence.
7 ON – Develops a conflict prevention model based on the knowledge of language strategies and tactics of communicants using the method of discourse analysis, pragmatic and communicative markers of language conflict.
8 ON – Substantiates the theoretical, methodological provisions of acoustics in determining and identifying the author of a speech during naming expertise of disputes using computer technology.
9 ON – Analyzes controversial texts in the mass media of a conflict level, means of influencing public consciousness, extremist materials calling for aggression.
10 ON – Able to share research results at international conferences on philological expertise in a professional foreign language; publish articles with a high citation index.
11 ON – Differentiates the sociolinguistic criteria characteristic of the criminal subculture in phonoscopic expertise, extremist texts in the media on interethnic, interreligious, social conflicts.
12 ON – Predicts typical questions on controversial texts in court cases using plans, scientific results and conclusions in the implementation of interdisciplinary research projects.
Master's degree educational programs
- Foreign Language (professional)-5 ECTS
- Psychology of Management-3 ECTS
- Theoretical, legal and organizational foundations of forensic expertise-5 ECTS
- Linguistic conflictology-5 ECTS
- Legal linguistics-5 ECTS
- Organization and Planning of Scientific Research-5 ECTS
- Theory of forensic expertise-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-1 ECTS
- Linguistic aspects of legislation and document circulation-5 ECTS
- History and Philosophy of Science-3 ECTS
- Pedagogy of Higher Education-5 ECTS
- Linguistic expertise of legislative documents-5 ECTS
- Analysis of legal and international contractual projects-5 ECTS
- General theory of language-5 ECTS
- Information technologies in linguistic expertise-5 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-2 ECTS
- Pedagogical-4 ECTS
- Forensic Linguistic Expertise: Methodology and Methods-5 ECTS
- Evaluation of text structures in linguistic examination-5 ECTS
- Phonoscopic and autographic expertise of speech-5 ECTS
- MASS-MEDIA extremist texts-5 ECTS
- Advertising language and trademarks-5 ECTS
- Text analysis in linguocriminalism-5 ECTS
- Linguistic aspects of judicial discourse-5 ECTS
- Linguistics and pragmatics of legal discourse-5 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-1 ECTS
- Research-4 ECTS
- Research-4 ECTS
- Research Seminar-1 ECTS
- Dissertation Writing-10 ECTS
- Scientific Internship-3 ECTS
- Publication in the Proceedings of International Conferences-4 ECTS
- Final Attestation-8 ECTS
Documents of EP