Farabi University

Suleimenova Ainur

27 march 2025

At the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Suleimenova Ainur will defend her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the topic: «Transformation of a documentary film into mass media: multimedia devices and typology of genres» in the specialty 8D03201 – «Journalism».

The dissertation was performed at the Department of Journalism and Communication Management of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly.

Form of defense - dissertation work

Language of defense -  Russian.                   

Official reviewers:

1. Ibrayeva Galiya – Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor at the UNESCO for Journalism and Communication Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

2. Shevyakova Tatyana – Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of  International Communications of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

Scientific supervisors:

1. Ishanova Assima – Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Print Media and Publishing Department at Non-profit JSC «Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumileva» (Astana, Kazakhstan).

2. Lebedeva Tatyana Yuryevna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, European Institute of Public Relations - IEERP (Paris, France).

Temporary members of the Dissertation Council:

1. Akysh Nurdaulet – Doctor of Philology, Senior Researcher at Auezov Institute of Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

2. Amangeldiyeva Gulmira – PhD, Karaganda Buketov University, Head of Journalism Department (Karaganda, Kazakhstan).

3. Saudbayev Madiyar – PhD,  Dean of the Department of Law and Social Sciences at SDU University (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

The defense will take place in a mixed (online and offline) format on March  27, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. in the dissertation Council at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for a group of specialties/educational programs «6D050400, 8D03201 – Journalism, 8D03202 – Media and Communications, 8D03203 – International Journalism»; address: 050040, Almaty, al-Farabi Avenue 71, Faculty of Journalism, Room № 220.

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ID: 949 9255 4807

Conclusion of the ethics commissions