Rules for the final control
1.1 The form and platform of the exam is determined by the teacher and approved by the head of the department. The exam program is uploaded to the EMCD of the Univer system (section “Program of the final control in the discipline”) and brought to the attention of students no later than one month from the beginning of the academic period.
1.2 Students who have scored at least 50 points (arithmetic mean of grades RK1, RK2) based on the results of midterm evaluation of current academic performance and who do not have arrears in tuition fees are allowed to the exam session. Students who have not completed the course papers are not allowed to take the exam in the relevant discipline.
1.3 Offline exams are conducted in the classrooms and lecture halls with video cameras, as well as in specially designated classrooms with video surveillance, encryption, decryption and verification of examination papers are carried out.
1.4 Online exams are conducted in accordance with the “Instructions for final control using distance learning technologies” using software systems and proctoring. Encryption of exam papers is carried out automatically by the appropriate system.
1.5 The video footage is stored in the IT Infrastructure Development Support Department for 1 month after the exams.
1.6 In order to conduct offline exams, the faculty dean's office prepares classrooms and checks the correct operation of video equipment, seats numbering, order ensuring, sanitary standards observing, etc.
1.7 Deputies of the Dean for EMW, heads of departments and deputy heads of departments for EMW have to to check the complete coincidence of the topics of examination questions with the program of the discipline.
1.8 To conduct an oral offline exam, an examination committee is created consisting of at least 3 teachers (lecturer, seminarian or teaching staff with qualifications corresponding to the profile of academic disciplines) by order of the dean of the faculty.
1.9 The Faculty, by the decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty, 2 weeks before the start of the examination session, is obliged to substantiate and approve:
- a list of disciplines that require the use of rulers, pens, calculators, software and other auxiliary teaching tools for examinations;
- the minimum level of originality of examination papers for each educational program of the faculty for each level of study.
1.10 The registrar's office generates attendance lists and exam record lists in the Univer system.
1.11 Deputy deans on academic, methodological and educational work generate in the Univer system and print out exam question papers for disciplines to conduct the offline exams, seal them in envelopes the day before the exam, and bear responsibility for their timely preparation, storage and non-distribution of exam question papers. Specialists of the dean's office print out attendance lists.
1.12 During the offline exam, the duty is organized from among lecturers who do not conduct classes in the given discipline, according to the approved schedule, who monitor students' compliance with these Rules.
1.13 Members of the Academic Committees for the Quality of Learning and Teaching have the right to attend offline exams.
1.14 During the exam, students are prohibited from carrying and/or using cheat sheets, cell phones, smart watches and other technical and other means that can be used for unauthorized access to auxiliary information. It is forbidden to talk with other students and strangers, write down the full name and / or other identification records in the answers.
1.15 If the student came to the exam and refused to answer the ticket, passing the exam is assessed as an "F" grade.
1.16 In the absence of a valid reason, failure to appear for the exam is assessed as an “F” grade.
1.17 In the case that a student violates one or more of these points, an act of annulment of the examination paper (hereinafter referred to as the Act), (Appendix No. 1 to the Rules) is filled out, and an “F” (“unsatisfactory”) mark is given for the discipline.
1.18 For repeated violation of these Rules during the exam, the student is submitted to the Council of the Faculty for Ethics.
1.19 The final grade in the discipline can be canceled within 1 month after the exam, if a student violates the rules of conduct during the exam: using cheat sheets, cell phones, negotiating, etc. based on recordings from surveillance cameras with filling out the Act. The act is not subject to lodging a complaint or appeal.
1.20 All violations in the exams are recorded in the student's transcript.
2.1 The lecturer makes a list of questions (typical tasks) covering the material of the training program in accordance with the syllabus of the discipline and uploads them to the "Questionnaire" of the Univer system. The list of questions (typical tasks) must be discussed and approved at the meeting of the department no later than two months before the session.
2.2 The number of questions in the ticket must be at least three and not more than five. The number of tickets must exceed the maximum number of students taking exams at the same time.
2.3 The weight of the assessment for each question of the ticket is set by the teacher of the discipline when forming questions in the "Questionnaire" tab in the Univer system.
2.4 15 minutes before the start of the written offline exam, the teacher on duty checks the identity of the students using an identity card, seats the students according to the seats indicated in the attendance sheets.
2.5 In the event that a nominee appears for a written offline exam, the teacher on duty draws up an appropriate act on the violation of these Rules.
2.6 Late students for the exam are not allowed.
2.7 At the end of the exam, the teacher on duty:
- collects examination papers;
- puts down in each work the sign of the end of writing works in the answer sheets - the letter X;
- submits answer sheets together with attendance lists for encryption to the dean's office specialist.
2.8 In the event of a delay in the provision of works for encryption to the specialist of the dean's office, an appropriate act is drawn up with the subsequent prosecution of the perpetrators.
3.1. Verification of examination papers is assigned to the teacher of the discipline.
3.2. Verification of examination papers of the standard written offline exam is carried out in a separate room without the presence of unauthorized persons under the video surveillance. At the end of the verification, examiner provides the examination papers for decipherment to the dean’s office.
3.3. The Registrar’s Office controls the process of encryption and decryption of the standard written offline exam papers.
3.4. Checking the works of students in examinations conducted using DET is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on checking text documents of students for the presence of borrowings" and "Instructions for conducting final control using DET ".
3.5. After decryption, the examiner enters the scores for the exam into the printed examination sheet and the electronic examination sheet in the Univer system, certifies with a signature and transfers it to the dean's office of the faculty.
3.6. The specialist of the dean's office checks the examination sheet with the data of the deciphered papers and, in case of discrepancy in filling out the sheet and the examination paper, fills out the act.
3.7. Changing the scores for the exam of a bachelor's, internship, master's, doctoral student on the fact of a detected discrepancy is carried out by an employee of the Registrar's Office on the basis of an explanatory note of the examiner with a resolution of the Director of the Department of Academic Affairs, to which an act of discrepancy is attached.
3.8. The examiner is prohibited from:
allowing unauthorized persons to check students' examination papers;
disclosing to unauthorized persons any information about examination papers;
delaying the procedure for checking examination papers without a valid reason;
having additional means of communication with you when checking examination papers: cell phones turned on or off, an additional web page open, etc.
3.9. The examiner bears full responsibility for the timely objective assessment of examination papers
4.1. The oral exam provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate the learning outcomes, skills and competencies mastered during the study of the discipline, the ability to logically express their thoughts aloud, and argue their point of view.
4.2. The methodology for conducting lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes should ensure the preparation of students for the oral exam. If the teacher choses an oral exam for the final control, then one of the formative assessments (RK1 or RK2) should be conducted in the form of an oral exam (without duplicating the questions of the RK on the final control).
4.3. The lecturer makes a list of questions (typical tasks) covering the material of the training program in accordance with the syllabus of the discipline and uploads them to the "Questionnaire" of the Univer system. The list of issues (typical tasks) must be discussed and approved at the meeting of the department no later than two months before the session.
4.4. The number of questions in the ticket must be at least three and not more than five. The number of tickets must exceed the maximum number of students taking exams at the same time.
4.5. The weight of the assessment for each question of the ticket is set by the teacher of the discipline when forming questions in the "Questionnaire" tab in the Univer system.
4.6. The duration of the oral exam should not exceed 6 academic hours per day. At the same time, no more than 25 people are allowed to take the oral exam per day.
4.7. No more than 5 examinees can be in the auditorium where the oral exam is held at the same time. The remaining examinees of the current group are waiting for an individual invitation outside the exam room without leaving the faculty building.
4.8. Oral examinations should be held in classrooms with video cameras. The filmed video material is stored in the IT Infrastructure Development Support Department for 1 month after the exams.
5.1. The oral exam is held in accordance with the approved schedule. It is forbidden to transfer the exams provided for by the schedule to other days and hours, as well as to other classrooms without the consent of the Situational Management Center.
5.2. Upon entering the examination room, the student is required to show the examiner an identity card and sign the attendance sheet.
5.3. It is forbidden to stand up and/or change places, leave the audience before completing your answer to the ticket during the exam.
5.4. During the oral examination, the exam ticket is chosen by the examiner himself.
5.5. In preparation for the answer, the student is given sheets for compiling a summary of the answer. The time for preparing an oral answer for students is 10 minutes. To defend the answer, the student speaks to the examiner for no more than 5 minutes.
5.6. After the announcement of his last name, the student begins his answer on the ticket. Each question is evaluated based on the maximum possible points indicated in the questionnaire.
5.7. The examiner has the right, for the purpose of a deeper clarification of the level of knowledge of the student, to ask him additional questions, as well as to offer tasks and examples as part of the questions of the examination ticket. To conduct an oral offline exam, create an examination committee consisting of at least 3 teachers (lecturer, seminarian or teaching staff with qualifications corresponding to the profile of academic disciplines) by order of the dean of the faculty, keeping the exam protocol to resolve controversial issues. The protocols, together with the records of all oral examinations of students, are transferred to the dean's office.
5.8. To conduct an oral offline exam, create an examination committee consisting of at least 3 teachers (lecturer, seminarian or teaching staff with qualifications corresponding to the profile of academic disciplines) by order of the dean of the faculty, keeping the exam protocol to resolve controversial issues. The protocols, together with the records of all oral examinations of students, are transferred to the dean's office.
5.9. After the exam, the examiner enters points into the electronic examination sheet for the academic discipline in the Univer system. The completed statement is printed, signed and submitted to the dean's office on the day of the exam.
6.1. The creative exam for students of educational programs of a creative direction is held to test the level of knowledge, practical abilities and skills in working with various materials and techniques for creating design / web design objects.
6.2. The creative exam is held offline, in the form of an exhibition, a presentation of finished products, where students demonstrate exam papers completed within no more than 8 weeks.
6.3. The teacher must prepare the document "Program of the final control in the discipline", in which the followings are presented:
1) the individual or team task (at the choice of the teacher);
2) format and number of creative works;
3) format of presenting works (manual or computer submission);
4) methodological recommendations for the performance of work;
5) criteria for evaluating works;
6) schedule for completing tasks.
6.4. The teacher uploads the prepared document "Program of the final control" on 1-2 weeks of the semester, to the DLS Moodle, for the zero week of the course. To do this, it uses the interactive element "Task" with the setting of a preliminary deadline for completing the task – the first day of the session. Then he adjusts the deadline in accordance with the exam schedule.
6.5. The student gets a task from the teacher on the 1-2 weeks of the semester. During the semester, he completes the task, adhering to the relevant requirements for creative work. At the end of the training, in accordance with the exam schedule, the student submits handmade works in printed and electronic form (pictures, designs for printed publications, types of fonts, etc.)
6.6. As a result of the exam, the teacher receives from the students a completed project and a report in *.docx format, in which he writes a brief description of the task, a description of the progress of the project assignment, and conclusions on the work done.
6.7. Viewing and evaluation of the works of all the final works of students is evaluated only collectively: for an objective assessment, the presence of at least 3-4 teachers is required.
6.8. The works are evaluated by teachers of the department who have art and design education and work experience in project activities.
6.9. The final grade is set as the arithmetic mean of the amount of peer assessment.
6.10. The results of the creative exam (offline) are drawn up in the protocol of the commission in any form, which are transferred to the dean's office. The protocol of the commission is signed by the chairman and all present members of the commission.
7.1. A student who does not agree with the result of the final control in the discipline - the grade for the exam - has the right to submit a reasoned written application within 24 hours after the results of the exam are posted in the electronic statement in Univer System.
7.2. The appeal commission consists of the chairman of the commission - the dean of the faculty, members of the commission from among the teachers, whose qualifications correspond to the profile of the appealed disciplines. The composition of the appeal commission is approved by order of the authorized person of the vice-rector of the university.
7.3. An application addressed to the chairman of the appeal commission (Appendix No. 2 to the Rules) is submitted personally by the student. Appeals from third parties are not accepted, including from the student's relatives.
7.4. An application for an appeal from a student is accepted by the deputy dean for academic, methodological and educational work of the faculty where the applicant is studying. The Deputy Dean for academic, methodological and educational work registers the application in a special journal along with a copy of the student's work and submits it to the chairman of the appeal commission for the appealed discipline.
7.5. Subjects for an appeal are the results of examinations conducted in written and combined forms, as well as in the form of testing.
7.6. The meetings of the Appeal Commission of the examination session are held offline, if the applicant cannot be present, he is allowed to participate online by organizing a videoconference and are drawn up in a protocol (Appendix No. 3 to the Rules). The Deputy Dean for academic, methodological and educational work supervises and is responsible for holding the meeting of the Appeal Commission.
7.7. An appeal cannot be considered in the absence of the student who filed it. The presence of unauthorized persons at the meeting of the appeal commission is not allowed.
7.8. The appeal takes place in three stages:
1) Stage 1 - acceptance of applications within 24 hours after the results of the exam are posted;
2) Stage 2 - consideration of appeals and written works by the appeal commission within 48 hours after the submission of the application;
3) Stage 3 - making final grades, considering the results of consideration of appeals by the Office of the Registrar in Univer System.
7.9. During the consideration of appeals, the members of the commission issue a written reasoned opinion on the merits of the appeal statement on the assessment of the results of passing the exam and draw up a protocol in the prescribed form.
7.10. The commission is authorized to make decisions if at least two thirds of its members are present at the meeting, including the chairman. All decisions of the Board of Appeal are taken by majority vote and formalized in the minutes.
7.11. The appeal commission does not have the right to make corrections to the written work, as well as raise points based on an additional oral survey on examination tasks.
7.12. The appeal commission has the right to satisfy the appeal, decide to add points to the examination score, or not to satisfy the appeal and leave the assessment unchanged, and the appeal commission has the right to cancel the assessment of the examination paper in the absence of an answer to the examination task. Lowering the examination grade is not allowed.
7.13. The need to add points based on the results of the appeal, which increase the examination grade by more than 20% of the received one, or the satisfaction of appeals by more than 20% of students in the discipline, indicates the poor quality of the examiner's work and is the basis for the appointment of a re-check of all examination papers by a specially created alternative examination commission.
7.14. In the above cases, the dean of the faculty submits an appropriate statement with the results of the work of the appeal commission addressed to the chairman of the commission for monitoring the examination session.
7.15. If the increase in exam scores based on the results of the appeal is due to incorrect examination questions or questions that do not correspond to the curriculum, a re-examination is not appointed, and the head of the department is held accountable.
7.16. Members of the appeals commission must timely inform the chairman of the commission for monitoring the examination session about emerging problems or difficulties that may lead to violation of the deadlines for considering appeals, must maintain confidentiality, and perform their functions at a high professional level.
7.17. The appeal commission must, without fail, reasonably explain to the student, who filed the appeal, the decision made by the commission because of the consideration of the appeal.
7.18. A student who does not agree with the results of the appeal due to a violation of the appeal procedure, or due to the presence at the meeting of the appeal commission of less than two thirds of the appeal commission, including the chairman, has the right to file an application addressed to the chairman of the commission for monitoring the examination session. In this case, a second meeting of the appeals commission is scheduled with the participation of members of the commission of monitoring the session.
7.19. A summary sheet with the results of the appeal is compiled on the basis of the protocols of the work of the appeal commission, signed by the chairman of the appeal commission and sent along with the application for changing points in the Univer system to the Registrar's Office in electronic form through the "Salem office". The original protocols of the work of the Appeal Commission are kept at the faculty until the graduation of students.
8.1. The “I – Incomplete” grade is issued if the student, having scored at least 50 points on the current control, did not appear for the exam for a valid reason, documented:
1) due to illness - with the provision of a temporary disability certificate, a certificate from the clinic, extracts from sick leave or other supporting documents on the state of health in the prescribed form;
2) for a technical reason that occurred during the 2nd attempt to pass the exam (exams online):
power outage, Internet outage, weak Internet connection – with the provision of certificates from institutions responsible for the supply of electricity/screenshots from the computer screen.
8.2. For admission to the assessment “I” in the discipline, the student submits to the Dean of the Faculty an application with visas of the Head of the Department, indicating the reason for missing the exam and attaching the originals of supporting documents (certificates) no later than 3 working days from the date of issuance of the certificate (extract).
8.3. Certificates, working off due to illness, business trips of students are sent through the Salem office system, along the route “Submission for the extension of the time for issuing points” in the Univer system to the Registrar's Office.
8.4. If the reason for missing the exam is recognized as valid, by Order of the Dean, the student is given an “I” grade and an individual exam schedule is set.
8.5. All “Incomplete” exams will be conducted on forms and platforms approved by the faculties.
8.6. In the case when the grade "I" was set due to a technical error in the online exam - to re-take the online exam, the teacher of the discipline updates the base of questions of the final task by 30%.
8.7. To correct the grade “I” to the standard one, the Registrar's Office forms an examination sheet in the Univer IS in the name of the examiner, based on the order of the Dean of the Faculty, according to an individual schedule.
8.8. Students take exams exclusively during the established “Incomplete” period.
8.9. If the student has not fulfilled all the requirements within the specified time period, the grade “I” is changed into “F”, that is, “unsatisfactory”.
8.10. The duration of the “Incomplete” period is 35 days from the end of the main exam session.
9.1. The grade “FX” is given only for the final exam.
9.2. The “FX” grade can be retaken only during the “Incomplete” period and only during the period when it was received. In the subsequent period, the retake of “FX” is not allowed.
9.3. The grade “FX” can be retaken once. If, after retaking the grade “FX”, the student receives the grade “FX” again, then in the future he re-attends all types of training sessions in this discipline on a paid basis.
9.4. A scholarship is awarded to a student (under a grant) who has retaken the “FX” for an excellent or good grade if there are positive grades “A”, “A-”, “B+”, “B”, “B-“, “C+” in the remaining disciplines.
9.5. The grade “FX” with its positive retake or re-training remains in the transcript, in the same semester when it was received.
9.6. A student who has received an “FX” has the right not to retake the exam. Then he re-studies this discipline on a paid basis.
9.7. The student submits applications for retake “FX” no later than 3 working days after the results are posted in the electronic statements in the Univer IS.
9.8. The form of taking the exam for “FX” does not change.
10.1. By order of the University, a university-wide commission is created to monitor the organization and conduct of the examination session from among the staff of the Department of Academic Affairs, the Center for Situational Management, Department for ensuring the development of IT infrastructure and, if necessary, with the involvement of other university staff.
10.2. Deans of the Faculties:
1) by order of the vice-rector approves the composition of the Appeal Board;
2) by order of the Faculty, forms a Faculty Board to carry out monitoring (including video monitoring) and approve the lists of teachers on duty;
3) for exams in offline mode, determine the classrooms in which the encryption and decryption of exam papers and their verification are carried out;
4) organize the work of examiners, teachers on duty, and Appeal Boards, which ensure compliance with the rules of the exam session by students.
10.3. During the exam session, the Faculty Board provides daily information about the course of the session to the Director of the Department of Academic Affairs.
10.4. In case of violation of these Rules on the exam by students, an Act is drawn up by the teacher on duty (board), and the student is removed from the exam. All acts of violations are transferred to the responsible member of the monitoring commission for further cancellation of the exam results.
10.5. The act is drawn up by the examiner, a specialist of the Dean’s Office, or another person involved in the session, in case of detection of the fact of masking borrowings in text documents created by students in electronic format in response to the examination task: written answers to the examiner’s questions when taking the standard written exam, essays, case studies, project work and written reports on the implemented projects. All Acts of violations are transferred to the responsible member of the monitoring board for further cancellation of the examination results of the people who violated the rules.
10.6. A member of the monitoring board may independently draw up an act in case of detection of the fact of masking borrowings in the text documents listed in subparagraph 7.5., for further cancellation of the results of the examination of persons who violated the rules.
10.7. If the working committee of the Faculty or the university-wide board for monitoring the organization and conduct of the exam session reveals a violation of these Rules on the part of the teachers on duty, examiners, staff of dean’s office, or other people involved in the session, a report is drawn up indicating the violation, which is submitted to the university administration.
List of violations for which members of the Board and Deans of Faculties are personally responsible:
1) the leak of information about exam assignments;
2) adding answers by students in the examination sheets after the end of the exam;
3) transfer of information about the content of examination sheets, answers, tickets to third parties;
4) intentional loss/damage of acts on withdrawal/ reports of violations;
5) non-compliance with these Rules and he policy of Academic integrity of NJSC Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.