PA Trade union organization of students and undergraduates “Sunkar” is a structural subdivision of the NAO "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University".
PA Trade union organization of students and undergraduates “Sunkar” KazNU named after As of September 1, 2022, Al-Farabi has 14 representative offices at faculties, trade union organization of students and undergraduates "Sunkar"
Instagram: @kaznu_sunkar https://www.instagram.com/kaznu_sunkar?igsh=MWVjNmgxMWdzc3N4Zw==
TikTok: kaznu_sunkar1 https://www.tiktok.com/@kaznu_sunkar1?_t=8lQsR9h16uL&_r=1
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@kaznusunkar?si=IClarTfB1hIhWrlp
Tag: #kaznusunkar #AlmatyZhastary #ҚазҰУ_жастары #Сұңқар_жетістікке_апарар_жолың
Main tasks:
- organization of training, professional development of trade union activists, including on mediation issues;
- participation in the certification of production facilities and workplaces according to working conditions;
- assistance to trade union members in the organization of medical and pension provision, sanatorium treatment and recreation;
- conclusion of contracts, transactions with enterprises and public associations, other legal entities, carrying out business activities necessary to achieve the statutory goals;
- organization and holding of meetings and rallies in accordance with the procedure established by law;
- publishing activities, coverage of their activities through the press;
- implementation of other functions delegated by members of the trade union.
Main functions:
- Empowering young people to achieve personal success;
- Development and realization of creative and innovative potential of youth;
- Identification, promotion and support of youth activity and achievements in the socio-economic, scientific, creative and sports spheres;
- Formation of positive work motivation, high business activity, successful mastery of the basic principles and skills of effective behavior in the field of labor and vocational training among young people;
- Creation of a system to counteract the spread of antisocial phenomena among young people.
Goals and objectives of the Concept and Action Plan
The main goal of the concept and Action Plan of the trade union organization of students and undergraduates "Sunkar"" for the 2022-2023 academic year is:
Representation and organized protection of the socio-economic rights and interests of its members in accordance with the procedure established by the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, improvement of conditions, protection of their labor and health, that is, assistance:
- creation of healthy and safe working conditions;
- creation of conditions for creative and productive work and training;
- creation of opportunities for medical care, treatment and recreation, improvement of living conditions;
- ensuring employment policy.
Currently, the trade union organization of students and undergraduates "Sunkar" provides all KazNU students with a transport card. This will help students not only pay easily, but also get affordable prices.
The main activities for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the trade union organization of students and undergraduates "Sunkar" for the 2022-2023 academic year
The main activity of Sunkar will be aimed at increasing the civic engagement of young people, as well as organizing intellectual, creative, socio-cultural projects.
1) Organization of intellectual and creative projects at the university, Almaty, Republican levels:
- strengthening the activities of Sunkar at the university, creating a strong effective team of university activists;
- to scale and organize projects of the trade union organization of students and undergraduates "Sunkar.
2) The priority direction of its activity "Sunkar" considers providing all students of KazNU with a transport card "Onai". This will help students to pay easily and get affordable prices.
Open doors and seminars are planned in this direction, planned as part of the intensification of extensive explanatory work on obtaining the Onai transport card.
Expected results
Implementation of this Concept and Action Plan of the trade union organization of students and undergraduates "Sunkar" for the 2022-2023 academic year:
- will increase the status of the trade union organization of students and undergraduates "Sunkar" among students;
- provides opportunities for organizing projects like football "Sunkar Cup", KVN "Sunkar Cup", the best adviser, the best student group, the best student;
- will involve students in its activities, will contribute to the formation of its civic engagement;
- it will contribute to the development and increase of the human resources potential of the country – the main strategic resource of Kazakhstan on the way to the realization of the high goals set by the head of state;
Instagram: @kaznu_sunkar https://www.instagram.com/kaznu_sunkar?igsh=MWVjNmgxMWdzc3N4Zw==
TikTok: kaznu_sunkar1 https://www.tiktok.com/@kaznu_sunkar1?_t=8lQsR9h16uL&_r=1
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@kaznusunkar?si=IClarTfB1hIhWrlp
Tag: #kaznusunkar #AlmatyZhastary #ҚазҰУ_жастары #Сұңқар_жетістікке_апарар_жолың
Intellectual Debate Club "Altyn Sapa"
The Altyn Sapa Intellectual Debate Club is the first Kazakh-speaking debate club created in the country to influence the formation of a new generation of Kazakh-speaking youth who have a high spiritual, intellectual and moral level, are politically literate, patriotic and feel their civic responsibility to society.
Currently, the club works in the areas of teaching debate formats, developing the personality of club members, and participating in city, republican and international debate tournaments.
Instagram: @altyn_sapa_ipk
Тag: altynsapa #debatisyellow
Enactus is the largest practice-oriented platform that teaches leadership and entrepreneurship in 35 countries around the world. We educate, inspire and support young people to use innovation and entrepreneurship to solve the world's’biggest problems. We believe that investing in students who take entrepreneurial action for others creates a better world for all of us.
With ENACTUS you can:
- Make a significant contribution to your community while gaining the experience, skills and contacts you need to build a successful career
- Join a worldwide network of over 72,000 other students, each contributing to our shared mission to create a better world
- Take part in international, national competitions, forums, business intensives
- Be in front of the best employers in the country: invitations to
internships, vacancies and career events
- An experience that will change the lives of those in need, and perhaps your own.
The Student Senate is a single organization in the form of a presiding board.
The only beginning of the Student Senate is students. The "Student Senate" is guided by the Code of honor of KazNU students and the regulations on the student of KazNU.
- Representation of students' interests to the university management;
- Improving the image of the university at the international, state and inter-university levels;
- Carrying out activities in the primary functional areas of public life;
- Development of students' managerial skills and assistance in the realization of internal potential;
- Increasing the active life and civic position of students, promoting a healthy lifestyle;
- Organization of systematic work to improve the mechanisms of student self-government at the university and faculty level;
Anti-corruption culture-the development of honesty among students, anti-corruption culture among young people, intolerance to corruption in society, understanding the inevitability of responsibility to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The student club "Sanaly Urpaq" is an environment that creates a culture of corruption, deals with the internal affairs of the University. Ensures the safety of the university management, protecting it from possible provocations and other actions affecting the image of the university management, as well as Honor and dignity.
- Formation of a corruption-free environment.
- Education of young people through corruption-related education.
- Formation of an anti-corruption culture.
League of Volunteers is a group of people who actively participate in a social work on voluntary and non-paid basis. In this sphere, age, gender, education and financial status of a person are not important. What important is to help people with all you can with pure intent. Volunteering can be done through organisations, initiative groups or by yourself. The scope of such services is very large. There is a lot of types of volunteering. For example, social, sports, environmental, medical, charity volunteering, also volunteering at events and so on.
In general, in their spare time, student-volunteers not only do something good, but also can be volunteers at various concerts. They can also organise fundraising to help people in need. Also, they can hold different events, competitions, project, while keeping in touch with volunteers from other universities. In one word, volunteers bring benefits in the development of both society and the university.
At the moment, the organization of the Public Foundation "League of Volunteers of Kazakhstan" at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University consists of 190 students.
The youth wing of "Jastar Ruhy" shares and supports the ideas of the "Amanat" party. The declared mission of the organization is to consolidate the youth of Kazakhstan, based on the platform of the President's policy, in order to ensure the modernization of the country's development. The goal is to create a strong and authoritative political youth organization capable of leading young people.
Law Enforcement Squad (OPP)-an organization uniting students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, engaged in the work of restoring order and tranquility in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The Law Enforcement Squad is a special organization that ensures the safety of students, working to protect the rights of students. In order to ensure the prevention of abuse by students, the prevention of violations in the Students' Home and the absence of dangerous substances prohibited for use, a law enforcement squad operates.
“Komek” is a student body created on the basis of Al-Farabi kaznu, which is engaged in organizing volunteer work to help socially disadvantaged groups of the population.
✓ Development of social responsibility, assistance and support of students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
✓ Instilling patriotism, leadership qualities, environmental, aesthetic, ethical and labor education in student youth.
✓ Provide moral and physical assistance.
✓ Increase the level of Disease Control in children.
✓ Providing pedagogical (tutoring) assistance to orphans and children with disabilities.
Student Bureauof the Bologna process is the organization, whose main purpose is to support and protect the interests of students and address their academic issues. SBBP - is the building of the dialogue between the administration of the University and its students in the new format. In turn, SBBP conducts preventive and explanatory work to prevent conflict situations. Our mission is to promote the development of independence of students of KazNU named after al-Farabi in the protection of rights in the field of education, as well as to show and teach students to use the full educational services.
The organization’s objectives:
1. Increase student’s participation in the management of educational process:
- the introduction of the policy of openness for comments and suggestions towards the quality of education in the University;
- full communion of students to build their educational trajectory.
2. Realization of policies for promoting quality of education:
- the exclusion of unfair exams;
- participation in the meeting of the Council on ethics in the faculty to support students;
- monitoring the quality of getting knowledge
3. Development of internal academic mobility.
4. Support for foreign citizens.
5. Maximum participation of students in international projects, development of the mass character.
The Scientific Student Society, as it speaks for itself, is an organization that attracts students to scientific activities, to the preparation of scientific projects, to scientific conferences, and also contributes to a busy student life. Every student after entering a higher educational institution should be engaged in science to some extent. Science helps the student to do research work, projects, business incubators and, thanks to this, the student will be able to realize himself as a specialist in his field. Science is our future.
This organization is also engaged in various intellectual games, competitions, scientific events. All of the above helps to broaden the horizons, develop the intellect, the mind, awakens the student's attraction to knowledge
The Higher Student Council of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the first organization created in kaznu with a half – century history, consisting of active youth of Kaznu. The Higher Student Council has a significant contribution to the development of the patriotic spirit of youth, the formation of a responsible person, and the comprehensive development of self-government. For the student council, every student in the dormitory is important. After all, the Supreme Student Council ensures the placement of students in the dormitory , considers social and other rights, tries to find solutions to their interests and problems in consultation with the chairmen of the dormitory l, members of the student council.
The main goals and objectives of the organization:
•Strict control over the order and cleanliness of the dormitory , daily inspections
•Participation in solving all students ' problems related to the dormitory
• Improving the life of the dormitory by organizing various events and competitions.
* Formation of an association of foreign students studying in the bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs of kaznu.
* Students should maintain practical, cultural, academic and social ties with each other and exchange values.
* Embassy training and attracting foreign students to participate in various events;
* Keep a positive attitude;
* Creating an inclusive and supportive environment for international students by taking care of international students;
* Active interaction and orientation with international students, support;
* To help foreign students during the academic year, to help them, to develop cultural values, to help in planning sports, cultural events and projects;
* Attend various trainings and academic classes all year round.