The Faculty of Philology

Department of Turkology and Language Theory

The Department mission is to train high qualified and competitive specialists according to the modern requirements in the field of Turkic studies and foreign languages. The Department of General Linguistics and European Languages ​​of the Faculty of Philology and World Languages ​​is one of the perspective departments of Al - Farabi Kazakh National University. Research traditions and main directions of pedagogical activity of the department were formed under the influence of outstanding scientists who worked at the department in different years. The department teaching staff deliver lectures and conduct seminars at a very high professional level.

Avakova Raushan

the Head of the Department

Avakova Raushan

 8 (727) 377-33-39 (12-70)

Department contacts

 Almaty, Al-Farabi  71 avenue,  the academic building No 1,  office 319

8 (727) 377-33-39 ( extention12-70)

Accounts in social networks:


History of the department

65 years ago, the Department of General Linguistics started working at the Philological Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Due to  the pedagogical activity of the  scholars  and  lecturers  who are still working and who worked at the department, the department has been conducting fruitful work for many years. This department became the work  place  of such scholars as I. I. Meshchaninov, S. E. Malov, Zh. A. Aralbayev, K. A. Akhanov, V. M. Nikitevich.  The    department lecturers  have worked at universities of  China,  the USA, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria,  the Netherlands, Germany, Finland,  Poland,  the Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. The department lecturers  also regularly  take part in  international congresses and conferences. International scientific cooperation is also reflected in the scientific supervision  of  PhD students. Prof. Amanzholov A.S., E.D. Suleimenova, N.J. Shaimerdenova, assoc. R.A. Avakova, G.B. Madieva and others were the scientific  supervisors and consultants of the  graduate students from China, Korea, Japan,  the USA, Germany, Spain.

Grant and foreign projects

«Lexicographic system of common Turkic phraseological units in Turkic languages».docx



22 мб, pdf