Department of Journalism

Chair of Print and Electronic Media

The purpose of the department - preparation of competitive specialists demanded in today's labor market, public, social, political and business structures, the assimilation of knowledge, skills, modern technologies, preparing television and radio journalists, journalists of periodicals and Internet journalists. Is the main center of journal and newspaper specialists training. The best teachers are working here, who help students to rediscover their creative talents. Is the most popular cathedra, graduates of which become “TV-stars” almost immediately. These skills are teaching by the best TV-journalists of the country.

Gulmira Sultanbaeva

Head of the department, doctor of Political Sciences, professor

Gulmira Sultanbaeva

тел.:+7(707) 377 70 49


Department contacts

Address of the department:
71 al-Farabi Avenue, Faculty of Journalism, 225 office.
Phone of the department: +7 727 377 33 34 (internal 14-92);

History of the department

1934 - The history of the department is connected with the creation of the Kazakh Communist Institute of Journalism. At the beginning of his journalistic education, statesman Asfendiyarov Sanzhar, poet, writer, playwright, publicist Seifullin Seken (1894-1938), the first Kazakh professor of linguistics Zhubanov Kudaibergen, an outstanding writer Mukanov Sabit, scientist, one of the founders of the journal of the Kazakh language Sarybaev Shamgali, literary critic Silchenko Mitrofan (1898-1970), Doctor of Philology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Amanzholov Sarsen, writer, translator, teacher, scientist Shalabaev Belgibai, Candidate of Biological Sciences Musakulov Talip, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Kazakhstan Balakaev Maulen, member of the Academy of Sciences, correspondent , a scholar who contributed to Kazakhstan, delivered the first lecture on journalism. In the first courses of journalism education, priority was given to the theoretical foundations of education, the study of historical issues and genres.

1941-1949: The first name of the department was "Theory and practice of the Bolshevik press". The department, founded in 1941, was the only department that taught journalism until 1949. In 1957, for the students of the Kazakh department, the department "History of Journalism" was opened, and for the Russian group - the "Journalistic Department".

1966 - On the basis of the departments "History of Journalism" and "Department of Journalism", the Faculty of Journalism was opened as a separate structure of the university.

1966 - The "Press Department" was opened, the head of which was appointed the Teacher of Journalism Education, Researcher in the History of Kazakh Journalism, Doctor of Philology, Professor Kairzhan Nurgozhaevich Bekkhozhin.

1973-1997 - Marat Barmankulov founded the Department of Television and Radio Journalism.

1976 - On the basis of the departments of Kazakh and Russian journalism, the following departments were opened: "History of Journalism", "Television and Radio Journalism", "Journalism and Literary Editing", "Theory and Practice of Soviet Journalism".

1976 - The Department of Broadcasting and Television was established at the university.

1976-1978  - T. S. Amandosov was the head of the department.

1978-1992 - The department was headed by Associate Professor Marat Barmankulov.

1976-1986 - Head of the Department "Theory and Practice of Soviet Journalism", an outstanding researcher of satirical journalism, Doctor of Philology, Professor Temirbek Kozhakeuly Kozhakeev.

1986-1991 - Head of the department - candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Sopkin Petr Terentyevich.

1991 - Professor Kozhakeev T.K. was invited to the Faculty of Journalism and until 1995 headed the Department of Periodicals.

1990-1993 - For many years, the head of the department was Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Sagymbay Kozybaev.

1992-2000 - In order to improve the educational process, the department of "television and radio journalism" was divided into two parts: "Television journalism" - headed by Ph.D. Barmankulov M.K. and "Radio journalism" - Ph.D. Omashev N.O.

1993-1999 - Yuri Krikunov was one of the teachers who contributed to the activities of the Faculty of Journalism in the formation of an educational and scientific school.

1994-2001 - Doctor of Philology, Professor Namazaly Omashev has a special contribution among the teachers who headed the department.

1994-2000 - The head of the department was - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor T.M. Kopbaev.

1995-2001 - The department was headed by a candidate of philological sciences, a researcher of modern journalism, a famous poet and publicist Bauyrzhan Umirzhanovich Zhakip.

2000-2001 - The Department of Television Journalism was headed by Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Sh.Y. Nurgozhina, and the Department of Radio Journalism was headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor R. Sh. Begimtaeva.

2001-2008 - Among the scientists-teachers who have made a significant contribution to enhancing the role and activities of the department in journalism education, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, Professor Bauyrzhan Zhakip.

2001-2008 - The Department of "Periodical Press" was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Toregeldi Bekniyazuly Bekniyazov.

2001 - These two departments were renamed the departments of television and radio journalism.

2001-2010 - The head of the Department of Television and Radio Journalism was Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Beysenkulov A.A.

2009-2010 - The department was headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor Nurgozhina Sharvan Iskakovna.

2010 - The department was renamed into the department "Press and Internet Journalism".

2010 - The head of the Department of Television and Radio Journalism was Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Sultanbayeva G.S.

2010 - On the basis of the departments "Periodical press", "Television and radio journalism" and "History of Kazakhstani journalism" the department "Department of printing and electronic media" was created.

Since 2013, the head of the department is Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor Sultanbayeva G.S.

Grant and foreign projects