Mechanics and Mathematics
Department of Mechanics
The Department of Mechanics is one of the oldest departments of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, therefore, the history of the formation and development of the department is inextricably linked with the history of our university. The department successfully trains specialists in the field of "Mechanics","Space engineering and technology", "Robotic systems".
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science, Associate Professor
Turalina Dinara
Department contacts
Address of chair: 71 al-Farabi Ave, Almaty
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
112 office
Phone: +7 (727) 3773333-1582
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kaznu_mechanics/?hl=ru
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mech.kaznu/
Department of "Mechanics" is one of the oldest departments at KazNU. It was organized in 1935 under the name "Theoretical mechanics". From 1939 to 1981 it was headed by honored worker of higher school of the Kazakh SSR Professor I. D. Molyukov, who as an intellectual, scientist, high-level teacher made an invaluable contribution to the formation and development of mechanics in Kazakhstan. Training of mechanical specialists at the University reached its peak in the seventies-eighties of the last century, when the rector of KazSU (from 1971 to 1986) worked major organizer of science and higher education, the founder of the Kazakhstan school of mechanics of machines of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Umirbek Arislanovich Dzholdasbekov.
In 1997, the Department of theoretical mechanics and applied mechanics – in the Department of "theoretical and applied mechanics", head of the Department – professor Ualiev G. U. in October 1999, the Department of mechanical cycle were combined into one Department of "Mechanics".
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