Faculty of Information Technology


The Department of Artificial Intelligence and BIG DATA is a department focused on teaching in the latest new areas in the field of IT, distinguished by quality education. Currently, the department is preparing students for more than 10 educational programs of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies.

Madina Mansurova

Head of the department

Madina Mansurova

Department contacts

History of the department

   At the behest of the time, the Faculty of Information Technology was opened at the Al-Farabi KazNU on January 15, 2018. This was accompanied by a message from the President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev dedicated to the implementation of the "Digital Kazakhstan" program, in which the lion's share was devoted to the digitalization of Kazakhstan, in particular, an increase in the number of graduates trained in information technology, work with artificial intelligence and "big data". In Kazakhstan, the State Program "Digital Kazakhstan" has been adopted, in which the basic motive is the development and application of Information Technologies in all spheres of life. In this regard, a new department called Artificial Intelligence and BigData was opened at the new faculty to train specialists in this field.

   The department "AI and BigData" actually originates from the department "Computer software", abbreviated as "MO COMPUTER", opened in 1973. The first head was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences K.A. Kasymov. After him, the department was headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor M.M. Telemtaev.

   In 1989 was opened a new department of "Computers and Cybernetics"  and "Mathematical Cybernetics". The head of the department was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor T.N. Biyarov.

   In 1997, after the merger of the department "Computer Mathematical Support" and "Mathematical Cybernetics" the department was renamed "Computer and Mathematical Support Mathematical Cybernetics". And, the head of the department by competition was chosen Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor T.N.Biyarov. According to the requests on the labor market, which have arisen at the department, referred to in the new profession as "information systems in Business".

  In November 2001, "Computers and Mathematical Support Mathematical Cybernetics" was again divided into two departments "Mathematical Cybernetics and Information Systems" and "Informatics".

  Since October 2002, the Department of Mathematical Cybernetics and Information Systems was headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor N.T. Danaev.

  At the end of 2003, the department of "Mathematical Cybernetics and Information Systems" was renamed to "Information Systems" and the head was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor U. A. Tukeyev.

  On January 15, 2018, the Department of "Information Systems" was divided into two departments "Information Systems" and "Artificial Intelligence and Big Data".

Grant and foreign projects